Search Results: 'Evergreen'

Rusty Rae/News-Register##Grant Leblanc dives into breakfast at the First Baptist Church Monday morning. The church serves breakfast from 9 to 10 a.m. With the opening of the nearby navigation center, there has been a spike in the number of people arriving for the morning meal.

Along the Street: Yamhill gas station and more 'What's Going Up'

... facing. Meyer Signs Co. of Oregon will compete the $14,000 project. - The new reception hall on the Evergreen museum campus received a temporary certificate of occupancy on Jan. 16. The hall is owned by McMinnville ...
Kirby Neumann-Rea/News-Register##On a cold and slippery Thursday morning, Breanna Heady of McMinnville runs on Riverside Drive, where she reported the kindness of a driver stopping to alert her to the slick road surface ahead.

Letter to Readers: Finding the bright side of the road can still be slippery

... photographers such as me, But I kept an eye out. School bus turning in Lafayette? No. Gravestones in Evergreen Cemetery? No. Nothing stood out in the fog. Meanwhile, deadline day duties calling, I needed to be ...
Rusty Rae/News-Register##During one of their Thursday gatherings at Bob Lunt’s house, carvers work on their wood projects. From left are Tim Wahlberg, Forrest Peterson, Lunt and Ralph Juda. As they whittle, they talk about their lives and come up with solutions to local and world problems.

Stopping By: Carving Quartet

... Wahlberg’s stories, as well. “Tim has been all over the world,” he said. Wahlberg worked for Evergreen International Aviation for 43 years, and served as the company’s president. Retired from Evergreen, ...
Rusty Rae/News-Register##Collections volunteer Jean Herkamp, left, wearing white protective gloves, shows 80-year-old Japanese correspondence to Consul General Yuzo Yoshioka, right, and Keiko Ziak of the Obon Society, during Wednesday’s ceremony at Evergreen Aviation Museum.

After languishing for decades, mail intended for Japanese soldiers starts its way home

... Yoshioka of the Consular Office of Japan, told a group of about 60 people in Wednesday’s gathering at Evergreen Aviation Museum, as the mail was formally given to the Astoria-based nonprofit Obon Society. “On ...

Remembering some of the community members we lost

... Memorial Fund, 1271 N.E. Highway 99W No. 446, McMinnville, OR 97128. Toan Van Nguyen, who had retired from Evergreen Helicopters, died Nov. 4, 2024, at age 95. He was the author of “Journey to Freedom,” a ...
Rusty Rae/News-Register##Evergreen museum CEO Scot Laney stands with his favorite plane, a Skyraider used in the Korean and Vietnam wars. Laney, named CEO in August, wants everyone in Yamhill County to come to the museum to see the rare and historic aircraft and space vehicles.

Stopping By: Stories of flight

Evergreen’s new CEO is an advocate for education, and the people behind the planes

Looking back instructive, looking ahead constructive

... McMinnville, Dayton and Carlton. Major new lodging and events center additions are also being eyed at the Evergreen Aviation & Space Museum out on Highway 18 in McMinnville, further expanding a tourist footprint ...

It was a year of openings, accolades, evolving plans and changing leadership

... other top business stores we covered in 2024 are: * Work is underway on a new event center on the Evergreen museum campus, which is owned by McMinnville Properties. The event center will open in 2025 next to ...

Letter to Readers: A quarter-century ago, Y2K was a boon, then a bust

... two-year period when I had left the newspaper industry and gone to work as public information officer with Evergreen School District in the east half of Vancouver, Wash. My job involved press releases and other external ...

2024 Year in Review

... building at 3850 S.E. Three Mile Lane, near the McMinnville Municipal Airport, was formerly owned by Evergreen Aviation. It underwent a $3 million renovation in 2017 and features offices, conference rooms, a professional ...

Dale McKinney 1933 - 2024

... a member of the Walnut City Kiwanis Club, serving as president in 2009/2010. He was a docent at the Evergreen Aviation Museum from the opening of the museum, and just recently retired. He was a member of the Michelbook ...
Rachel Thompson/News-Register##Chemeketa Community College’s Renae White, left, adjusts lights on the miniature Spirit of St. Louis that sits under the wing of a replica of the real plane. She and Brandy Lehn, center, were decorating both the small and large planes for Goose Lights, the holiday light show at the Evergreen Aviation Museum. Chemeketa’s Yamhill Valley Campus was among several organizations and businesses participating in Goose Lights, which will be open to the public from 5 to 7 p.m. daily, Dec. 14 to 21. Ticket sales benefit the Yamhill County Food Bank.

Planes alight for Christmas

... coworker, Renae White, last Friday as the pair strung colorful lights on The Spirit of St. Louis in the Evergreen Aviation Museum. The replica of Charles Lindberg’s famous plane is one of numerous aircraft dressed ...

Along the Street: Downtown Mac invites ‘Locals Only’ Thursday

... person. The gift shop and eatery is located at 500 S.E. Adams St., McMinnville.   Greeters to meet Friday Evergreen Aviation & Space Museum will host the McMinnville Area Chamber of Commerce Greeters program Friday, ...
Rachel Thompson/News-Register##Workers smooth concrete on a huge slab that will be the floor of the new Ether Form plant on Rivergate Street in the McMinnville Industrial Park. From left are Lance Cochran, Logan Wennerstrom and Brian Anderson of Haworth, Inc., of McMinnville. Ether Form plans a 10,090-square-foot, $1,25 million project.

Along the Street: Construction projects underway through winter months

... Chardonnay and Pinot Gris and a pet-nat under the sub-label “El Taller” (the workshop). Evergreen hosts ‘Goose Lights’ Evergreen Aviation Museum’s aircraft will be lighted up for ...
Rachel Thompson/News-Register##A former Evergreen Aviation building on Three Mile Lane will become a McMinnville Fire District base of operations, serving first as offices while retrofitted for agency response functions. The district will retain its downtown facility.

Mac Fire District to purchase $4M former Evergreen property

... Municipal Airport. Originally constructed in 1980, the three-floor office building formerly owned by Evergreen Aviation underwent a $3 million renovation in 2017 and features offices, conference rooms, a professional ...

Norwood Alan Robert Stoutenburg 1946 - 2024

... great-nieces and great-nephews, Jesse D. Tamas, Maia Tamas, Ian Stewart, and Natalie Stewart. Interment at Evergreen Memorial Park at 11 a.m. Tuesday, December 10.     

Along The Street: Businesses collect items for Mac High resource room

... maintains the National Register, confirmed it in October. The Spruce Goose is the centerpiece of the Evergreen Aviation & Space Museum in McMinnville. The world’s largest wooden plane, it was built by ...
Rusty Rae/News-Register##Crew from Premiere Holiday Lights uses a high lift to string new downtown twinkle lights Wednesday night at Third and Davis streets. Installation started the night of Nov. 11, and progresses east toward Johnson Street.

Third Street twinkling again

... 50% chance of winning. Prizes include discounts and free items at businesses, free admissions to the Evergreen Aviation & Space Museum and tickets to the Glide and Gather ice skating rink. The skating rink ...

Along the Street: Businesses and individuals honored in Chamber awards

... Morris for Mayor. - Nonprofit of the Year, Blanchet Farms, Common Cause Crew, Cruising McMinnville, Evergreen Museum, Habitat for Humanity, Juliette’s House, Kiwanis, Linfield University, McMinnville Lions ...
Rusty Rae/News-Register##Michael Becker, center, Al Parish, right, and other veterans salute during the National Anthem at Dayton High School’s Veterans Day assembly hosted by students on Wednesday. Becker, who lives in Lafayette, is a veteran of the Navy, Air Force and Army, and he’s proud to be able to still fit into his Army uniform. The DHS assembly was one of several at local schools; additional Veterans Day events will include a parade at 10 a.m. Saturday in downtown McMinnville.

Veterans Day events include parade, meals in Mac and Carlton

... Girl Scouts and Cub Scouts; the Sea Cadets; the McMinnville High School cheer team; and others. The Evergreen Aviation Museum will send a float down Third Street. Other vehicles will include one carrying the grand ...
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