The News-Register Press Club

Join the Club - Build Community - Support Local Journalism

The News-Register Press Club, est. January 2024, is a premium addition to your newspaper subscription.

Along with listed benefits of membership, your dollars support a healthy, independent local news organization for Yamhill County. Press Club membership runs for 12 months and is separate from your regular News-Register subscription. 

(Click on the PRESS CLUB logos below to view benefit details of each level on a different page; or, click "BUY" to go straight to checkout)

The traditional business model for newspapers is broken

Loss of advertising revenue closed 2,500 newspaper in the United States since 2005. Other newspapers have been subjected to bargain sales, elimination of local management and most reporting staff ... when finances dictate, many will be discarded onto the scrapheap of journalism history.

Our challenge is to build a new business model that can sustain local ownership and operation of the News-Register. And you can help with purchase of either a Partner or Premium membership to the N-R Press Club. 

After joining the N-R Press Club, you will receive an email with further information about your membership and how to utilize the benefits offered.

Questions? Call 503-687-1269 or email

And for other ways to support the News-Register, Click Here