Submit Letter to the Editor

Please complete the form below and submit your letter to us.

The News-Register welcomes written opinions about the newspaper and local issues.

- Letters should not exceed 300 words. Longer submissions occasionally are published as "op-ed" commentary articles.

- Letters may be edited for brevity and libel.
- Include name, street address and daytime telephone number.
- Indicate occupational, financial or other ties to topic.
- Submissions should be typed or legibly handwritten.
- Writers are limited to one letter in a calendar month.
- With rare exceptions, campaign-related letters are not accepted from political candidates, their family members or paid campaign staff.
- As a rule, we do not publish letters about conflicts between a private individual and a private business, or letters about the alleged guilt, innocence or evidentiary accuracy of legal/judicial cases.
- The deadline for publication Friday is noon Wednesday.

- Submit to: Readers’ Forum, News-Register, PO Box 727, McMinnville, OR 97128; by email at; or in person at 1315 NE Miller St., McMinnville.

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