Sheridan votes to utilize Jensen for city manager search
The Sheridan City Council unanimously decided March 17 on a recruiting firm for its search for a new city manager. A contract for $27,000 will be issued to Jensen Strategies, which also conducted the ...
Willamina votes to keep enterprise zone
Willamina has until June 30 to renew its West Valley enterprise zone, which allows tax exemptions for traded sector businesses in order to encourage investment and growth. On Tuesday the council unanimously ...
Willamina to discuss Yamhill River Access Project
The Willamina City Council will discuss the Yamhill River Access Project at the 6 p.m. Tuesday regular meeting at the West Valley Fire Station. The access project is a collaborative effort to enhance ...
Sheridan council votes to raise rates
The Sheridan city council unanimously approved the water rate increase of 3.08% and sewer rate increase of 4% at the Monday special session. The council approved two readings of the changes in ordinance. ...
Sheridan council to vote on water and sewer rate increase
The Sheridan City Council is scheduled to vote on water and sewer rate increases at a 7 p.m. on Monday, March 3. At the Feb. 18 regular city council meeting, Steve Donovan, city consultant on enterprise ...
Sheridan school district proposes $6M bond levy
Should the Sheridan School District pass its $6 million school bond May 20, the district will receive a $6 million grant match from the state. The bond is for capital improvements, safety and security ...
Sheridan discusses water and sewer rates increase
At the Feb. 18 Sheridan city council meeting, a consultant recommended a 3.08% increase in water and 4% increase in sewer rates in order to plan for the future. The council did not vote, but accepted ...
Funding freeze fears averted in Willamina
When President Donald Trump ordered a pause in federal spending, Willamina’s city administration was concerned the city’s water intake project would be affected. At the Feb. 11 city council ...
Sheridan Library offers 'Blind date with a book'
For the third year, “Blind Date With a Book” is back at Sheridan Public Library, 142 N.W. Yamhill St. Books are wrapped with only one piece of information provided: the first line of the book. ...
Sheridan students to play benefit b-ball game
The third annual Keegan Stewart Memorial Scholarship basketball game returns to the Sheridan High School gym at 6 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 27. Male and female students have formed teams and will compete ...
Sheridan delays hiring interim city manager
The city of Sheridan was scheduled to hire a new interim city manager on Feb. 18, but pushed the vote to the March meeting. Before the Feb. 18 meeting, city council was to meet with Scott Dadson, executive ...
Gebrayel dies in prison; civil cases continue
George Gebrayel, 81, who was convicted in March 2024 in a murder-for-hire-case, died on Feb. 13 while on hospice care at the Snake River Correctional Institution in Ontario, the state Department of Corrections ...
Special district candidates can file
Members of area fire boards and the Chehalem Park & Recreation District will be elected in the May 20 election, along with school board members Candidates have until March 20 to file with the Yamhill ...
School board filing deadline March 20
Candidates for local school boards have until March 20 to file for the May 20 election. For any of the seven school districts in the county, candidates must file at the Yamhill County Clerk’s Office ...
Willamina’s Brewer and Baker claim district titles; YC Tiger girls finish third
Willamina Bulldog wrestlers senior Zoe Brewer (105) and Paige Baker (190) won their weight class and claimed 4A/3A/2A/1A special district 1 championship honors on Saturday. Feb. 15 at Scappoose High School. Brewer ...