By Nicole Montesano • Staff Writer • 

Commissioners raise anti-trans sentiments

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It's like they're members of the "Puppy Stomping Party"...and not our county commissioners...and yet they still get elected by just 27% of us. How bad does it have to get before anyone bothers to fill out a ballot?


In the meantime, the county is an absolute dumpster fire.

Erin C.

Keep in mind Commissioner Berschauer has a personal Facebook page, as well as one for her private political consulting firm Leona Consulting which she could have used to threaten as many trans people as her heart desires. She consciously chose to leverage her taxpayer funded county platform to threaten to shoot this person.


Commissioner Berschauer's words are absolutely repulsive and she had no business posting that on any official social media page. Her comments crossed the line of all common decency and that should alarm everyone. County Commissioners are not demi-gods who get to dictate what residents of the county can or cannot do, be or say. We need a complete reset of Commissioners in this county; the next election to replace them can't come soon enough.


The 'journalist' hit pieces are getting pretty ridiculous. Is this the opinion column or the front page? We get it, you hate the commissioners, but if they are so terrible you should have no trouble tearing them a new one with who, what, where, when, and why. Nicole, leave your opinion on the cutting room floor. A few months back Jeb made the case for saving small town newspapers in one of his editorials. I cannot see a reason why. Apparently, a lot of other people cannot either.


Bigfoot: you need to cite specific instances for what you think might be "opinion." I've read the story several times and do not see any of the reporter's opinion in it. Please be specific as to sentences, words or phrases.


These 2 commisioners are so far out of bounds with their paranoid statements and it is pretty obvious to me that they dhaven't even read HB2002 by their statements. So either they haven't read it or they are plain misleading the public.


Frequently, people who respond with such automatic, knee-jerk paranoia regarding others' personal behavior or proclivities harbor dark, disturbing problems better addressed by psychiatrists.

Joel R

Good grief. is this what it's come to at the NR? Combing through the social media of elected officials looking for things to blow up into a story?
And this is all that they could find? A trans person makes a veiled yet violent threat against anyone who doesn't want them in the bathroom that doesn't correspond to their biological sex and Bershauer says the person might be armed an able to defend themselves from the trans persons attack? That's the entire premise of this article?
As the NR continues this hard shift to the left it's getting harder and harder to justify keeping my subscription.


These sort of comments (sentments) by the County Commissioners should not come as a surprise.


Sometimes is is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and prove it!

Bob Zahniser

With our bigoted commissioners and Newberg's bigoted school board it won't be long before we've our own chapter of the KKK.

Not a good look for an area seeking tourist spending.


Why is lying trans people such a priority? I've been reading this paper for 30 years and have never seen a report of a trans woman attacking anyone in a public restroom. They can't even say it happened, just that it might conceivably, possibly, maybe happen to someone somewhere someday. This is not worth the fuss they're making.

Further, since when are abortions for 10 year olds a bad thing? Who in their right minds wants fifth graders giving birth? They're 10, for heaven's sake, so we know these are almost certainly rape babies. How much more trauma and damage do you want to inflict on a violated child? And whose consent do you think she should have to have? The parent who raped her, or the one(s) who are so out of touch they let it happen? A good parent will be there no matter what. A bad one needs to be left out so they can't hurt her any worse. And none of these things are the purview of our county commissioners. They need to get out of our medical decisions and get back to whatever their actual jobs are.


"The News-Register supports Trans-terrorists".
There fixed it for you, News-Register.


Completely ignorant top to bottom. Nothing will happen. They can sit there and be as bigoted as they want and nothing will happen. Welcome to Yamabama County.


Berschauer is an embarrassment to the county using county internet for her personal threats against people. It is fine if she opposes but these type of threats in this day and age where people are shooting their neighbors for using a leaf blower have no place on a county's official website. I only hope we can remove her in the next election and get a person with a middle of the road outlook and not some far right radical such as she.

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