By Nicole Montesano • Staff Writer • 

Commissioners decide to extend SEDCOR contract

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David S. Wall

***I have OPPOSED the SEDCOR contract from the beginning (circa 2017) to this very day.

In my opinion, 'Voters' elect Commissioners to make 'economic development decisions' not to have 'Third-party contractors' latch-on to an exclusive, very costly contract with Yamhill County to do so.

'Regional Solutions-located within Governor Brown's Office' dispenses 'Lottery' monies to Counties for Economic Development.

As stated in the article, 'SEDCOR' is funded entirely out of the 'Lottery money' received by Yamhill County from the state. [Regional Solutions]

A little background information is prudent for the reader to make an informed decision(s) concerning retaining SEDCOR's contract with Yamhill County.

Yamhill County's 'Economic Development-Budgetary and Expense Worksheet for FY 2021-2022' is located here: [Go to Page 110]; [SEDCOR contract 'not listed' by name]:

*Regional Solutions:

*Regional Solutions 'Mid-Valley Region': (Member list may need 'updating'.)

*Regional Solutions: 'Mid Valley Advisory Committee': (Member list may need 'updating'.)

*SEDCOR Board of Directors:

*Note: Berschauer and Mayor Rogers from Newberg sit on SEDCOR's Board of Directors. (Member list may need updating.)

David S. Wall

David S. Wall

Post #2

From the article,

"Willamina City Manager Kenna West and former Yamhill city Councilor Jay Disbrow wrote to commissioners asking them retain SEDCOR, saying the company has been helpful to both cities.
Abisha Stone, the county’s contracted SEDCOR employee, has been “an extraordinary asset for Willamina,” West wrote. She said that Stone had helped the city secure a $35,000 grant for childcare, although she said that the program fell through after being unable to attract employees. Nonetheless, West said, Stone’s help has been invaluable.
However, West said, in addition, Stone “has helped us as we move forward with agri-tourism, with our West Valley Community Campus project, and importantly, within our Enterprise Zone marketing and management.” Disbrow wrote that “values brought to the county, cities and communities of over $27 million, and 450 living wage jobs through various economic development grants and programs, more than justifies the cost of the contract. Just as important are the contacts developed over the years that benefit the county.”

*With regards to Willamina- with reference to the $35K grant and resulting failure looks like poor management to me. Do you have documentation to support the Agritourism claim?

*With regards to City Of Yamhill-Do you have documentation to substantiate '...over $27Million values...' and '...450 living wage jobs through various economic development grants and programs...'?
The City of Yamhill should have asked for more 'Water infrastructure' and to secure a permanent water supply before authorizing the ill-advised [57] residential housing project.

*It appears to me, West and Disbrow are the cheerleading squad for SEDCOR.

David S. Wall


David, if Berschauer sits on SEDCOR's Board of Directors as you state, then she needs to recuse herself from any discussion and/or decision making regarding Board action. Not doing so would be a clear ethics violation. But she's had those in the past and gotten away with it so perhaps she thinks it's no big deal.........


Any company that does business with these two commissioners is crazier than they are.


Waste Management likes the deal they got.


This is interesting. I certainly don't think we should go back to the days of the BOC handing out grants as hey see fit. Given the current BOC it is highly likely the funds would be used as a slush fund to line donor's pockets. It would seem that focusing on projects that have the potential for a large impact such as the former mill site in Newberg makes economic sense. Focusing on more rural projects would look like what? Maybe a trail to attract bike riding agritourists to the area?


There is lots of talk about adding more commissioners.

That won't work. The problem is that voters in YC are so upset with the current environment that they will try any hail mary option in the book.

Go to seven commissioners and you'll end up with at least four of them as wild and off the rails as these two.

Yamhill County is obviously in a bad way. We'll just have to wait for these two to go so far that voters finally realize going rogue isn't a solution to anything.

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