Tuesday is deadline for primary filing
Tuesday, March 12, is the deadline for filing to run for office in the May primary election.
Yamhill County has several positions open, with incumbents running for most.
County Commissioner Lindsay Berschauer, whose term expires at the end of this year, is running for re-election. Challenger David “Bubba” King of Newberg is running in opposition.
Treasurer Kris Bledsoe is running unopposed for re-election.
Assessor Derrick Wharff is running unopposed for re-election.
Sheriff Sam Elliott, who was appointed by the county commissioners in December after former Sheriff Tim Svenson left to take another job, is running unopposed.
At the state level, Head Deputy District Attorney Kate Lynch is running for Yamhill County district attorney. Incumbent Brad Berry has not filed for re-election.
Circuit Court Judge Jennifer Chapman has filed for re-election, unopposed.
State Reps. Anna Scharf and Lucetta Elmer, both Republicans, have filed for re-election, both unopposed.
State Sen. Brian Boquist, R-District 12, is not eligible for re-election, following a decision by the state Supreme Court. Dundee City Councilor Bruce Starr, a Boquist supporter and former state senator, has filed to run for his seat. He is being challenged by Democrat Scott Hooper, an attorney and rancher from Monmouth.
In the run for Congressional District 6, Democratic Rep. Andrea Salinas is being challenged by Democrat Cody Reynolds and Republicans Mike Erickson, David Burch of Salem and Dundee Mayor David Russ. Salinas defeated Reynolds and Erickson in 2022.