##(June 7, 1967) Some 350 people attended the Lions Club Fly-In Breakfast and Brunch held at the McMinnville airport Sunday. A special feature of the morning was a community worship service held in a hangar at which time Lions scholarships were presented.

##Mrs. Dee Redford, Women’s Relief Corps Department of Oregon, presents an American flag to representatives of Boy Scout Troop 695, McMinnville’s newest troop. With Scoutmaster Sam Soper were Scouts Loren Soper and Edward Hoem. The presentation was made during the WRC’s state convention at Linfield College.

##Tree nuts, primarily walnuts and filberts, are an important crop in Yamhill County. The Dundee Nut Growers plant is one of the facilities that handles a major share of the nut crop in the area.

##(June 11, 1967) Pleased smiles were displayed by school officials after voting figures showing the McMinnville School District Budget had passed on the third try. Talking over the 1214-1082 margin were Mrs. Luella Heringer, board member, Willard Cushing, board attorney, and Fred Patton, school superintendent.

##(June 18, 1967) A $138,000 check to finance construction of a sewage system and treatment plant in Amity is given by Frank Bartos, left, area supervisor of the Farmers Home Administration, to Mayor Jim Zupo. Looking on are City Recorder lvan Shields, Robert Jungling, manager of the Amity Branch of the U.S. National Bank, where the funds will be deposited; and William Dashney, city attorney.

##(June 14, 1967) A valuable book, both for the information it supplies and for the coupons it contains, is the new “Guide To The Oregon Coast” printed in McMinnville. Published by Guide Publications, a newly founded publishing firm that joins the writing skills of author Don McAfee, right, and the printing skills of Oregon Lithoprint Inc., the book is the first of a proposed series of Oregon guide books. Delivery of the books to The Book Shop at 218 Third St. in McMinnville by McAfee and Bob Heckman, manager at Oregon Lithoprint, was taken by Betty Martin and her sister, Kathy, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Martin, owners of The Book Shop.

##(June 11, 1967) Joe Dancer, McMinnville city administrator, receives the pin denoting he reached the six-gallon donation level at the Tuesday visit of the Red Cross Bloodmobile. Giving him the award is Jean Carpenter, executive secretary of the county Red Cross chapter.