An F.A.Q. guide to the website
Welcome to, where local news and information is easy to find and fast to use on mobile devices.
Do you have a question? Want to share your thoughts about the website? Email us.
A multi-use website.
Readers using mobile devices – phones and tablets – now make up nearly 40% of our audience. The site now is “mobile responsive,” thus it recognizes what kind of device you are using and changes its display to suit your screen.
Where are all the links to other pages?
All key section and links appear under a “Menu” tab in the upper left corner of every page. Click on the Menu icon, slide your mouse over each topic, and additional links will appear to your right. Pick and click! We also have navigation boxes with often-used links displayed at upper-right of most pages.
Can’t find the link you’re looking for? Let us know if our site navigation system needs something to improve your experience. Email us, and tell us what we missed.
I can’t read all the articles. Why do I have to log in? is a subscription-based news site. We ask our print newspaper subscribers to pay for their content, and we do the same for online subscribers. Anyone who subscribes to the newspaper gets an online account for free. To log in, you must use your complete email address on file with and your selected password.
Some articles are available for everyone. We recognize our role as the primary news and information resource in the Yamhill Valley, so when public safety news or major events occur, we commonly make those articles “public” for all to see.
Click here to subscribe / renew.
For online account customer service, email our team.
Where do I log in as a subscriber?
Look in the upper right corner of any page. You should find this silhouette icon. Click the icon to enter your login email address and password.
How do I search your site? And what is the archive?
Anyone can search the website. There’s a keyword search field on the top right of every page. Type in your search term, and see what you find. The website search includes articles from the past 12 months as they appeared on the website or in the newspaper. Remember: Many of these articles require an online password.
The Archive is a database of newspaper articles, as published, dating back to 1999. The archive content is available to subscribers only. Click here to search the archive.
Not all pages work well on my phone?
That's correct. Some content on our site is provided by "3rd party vendors," and they decide how their sites perform on tablets and phones. We're actively encouraging each 3rd party vendor to upgrade to better deliver information to you.
REALLY, REALLY want the old format back! Not liking this at all, you already had a mobile site to choose before if you didn't want the full site! I want the full site back please!!!! Let us have the option of either mobile or full please.
Found Objects
I must be really stupid because I can't find the renew button anywhere. I actually read the directions in the email 5 times. Looked at the sites many times and now I am just plain out of time. It should not be so hard to find...oh and by the way the magic word "Login" is not to be found. Not even in the drop down menu.
Jeb Bladine
Found Objects,
The "Subscribe" button in the gray box at upper-right is the pathway for all subscription orders, whether is be new subscriptions or renewals of subscriptions.
Jeb Bladine
Berniece Owen
Where can I read the Classified Ads online?
The right-hand side of our home page features 12 yellow buttons up near the top. The middle one in the top row is labeled "Classifieds." That's the one you click.
You can also click on the "Menu" button, up at the top left. That produces a dropdown menu listing "Marketplace." "Classifies" is one of the headers under "Marketplace." But the yellow button shortcut is quicker.
Steve Bagwell, Managing Editor
What happened? You left off the last 3 clues down for tuesday's crossword! I came online to see if you had them here, but I can't find the crossword online!
The News Register should consult the Oregonian! The Oregonian looks like a newspaper on my IPad. In addition, I can "touch" the article and it covnverts to just that article in large print. So far, I find the News Register e edition difficult.
I subscribe to other online newspapers and magazines. I have never seen junk like yours. I can't begin to read it when it opens. Have you never looked at other on line newspapers? Also you charged my card for mailed newspaper that I ordered and still haven't received. Do you mail those as a bundle at the end of the month?
Jeb Bladine
The Oregonian, with hundreds of thousands of readers, uses a very expensive, high-function system for its e-edition. Our system works very well on computers, but less-so on smart phones and tablets. Downloading an edition to smart phone or tablet provides easier functionality for reading than with direct Internet connection. It's a reality we need to live with given the high cost of systems such as used by large newspapers.
Jeb Bladine
Hey Now! One thing I really miss in the sports section is a section on the dates and times of the local teams. Before, in the past, I could look for my teams and try to see as many games I could schedule. That was a good section that I miss.
Thanks for the space.
Just lost my on-line edition with your latest update. Can't get it to work, even with the right click for adobe permission. Was good before today. What's up?
How do you change your password? Is it possible to bring up complete earlier editions...not just archived articles?
Jeb Bladine
Sorry no one responded to your earlier.
Click the "profile icon" at top right, click the "Password" link, and you can change passwords.
Just below that in the right-side box, click "Read the Latest E-Edition" to open up a digital page-turner of full newspaper issues. That software also has its own archives of previous issues going back a month.
Can I view the current newspaper in the format that archived editions appear?
I am a 45 year subscriber to the News Register. I find it VERY hard to find obituaries these days. And when I 'search' obituary or obituaries, they won't come up (they have before, but they won't today).I know, one of these days I'll be featured there, but in the meantime, what would it hurt to have a quick link to obituaries in quick links that exist in the upper right hand corner? It will be interesting, Jeb, to see who gets featured there first.... You or Me? :-) I'm out of the Country for awhile so this site is my quick access to local news. Thank You and I hope ALL is well.....
Can I place an ad VIA email to you? I really need it to appear in your Tuesday edition if possible.....
Becky Bob
I am very disappointed that the News Register failed to recognize what in my opinion was a stellar effort on behalf of The American Legion, Post 21, McMinnville.
Our Post assisted ground operations at the Airport constructing barriers, and on Sunday when the show was over, worked past dark removing them, for the Oregon International Air Show.
In addition The United Veterans Honor Guard from Post 21 and our group of American Legion Riders helped open the Airshow on both Friday and Sunday.
03:29 pm - Sat, September 28 2019
Acting Post 21 Commander