By Scott Unger • Of the News-Register • 

Two W&L commissioners step down

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This is Drabkin shady work. Denny Elmer had to apply and be interviewed multiple times for his position. How can these two people just be appointed? One of them has zero Mac government experience.


Wait a minute. Mr Elmer was just confirmed by the council Tuesday night. The very next day two other Commissioners resign and our Mayor has asked two friends to fill the seats before the end of the day. Just waiting for council confirmation. What happened to the process she just put Mr. Elmer through. Sketchy as hell! Where’s the transparency your community has asked for?


One more thing, how about the other qualified people that applied for the position and went through the process that was then filled by Mr. Elmer that should have been offered the new positions and I know firsthand there were some.

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