By Dora Totoian • Of The News-Register • 

Showing up, standing up: An anti-racism movement awakens in Yamhill County

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Not capitalizing White is racist.


So is:
Perez-Rivera v City of McMinnville &
Aranda v City of McMinnville...

Sally G

Thanks for a well-written article that outlines the growing movement in Yamhill County. I'm very proud of both new and long-time residents in their efforts to commit to anti-racism. Keep on!

Marvin Bernards

I am proud of the members of Yamhill County and the rest of our country that have taken a stand on the issue of racial inequality and inequality everywhere.
Please join us in making the changes required to bring this country to a place that we can all live our lives without fear. Let us all make a commitment to peace and harmony.

Bill B

Tagup, this is old news, yet you keep bringing it up. Appears you have a problem with authority.


Old news that hasn’t been fixed....I have a problem with assaults that go unpunished...don’t you?


Juneteenth should absolutely be a national holiday.

Jeb Bladine


Our industry follows Associated Press language guidelines, in the interest of consistency. But sometimes those guidelines can be controversial. Here's part of the AP argument related to keeping "white" lower case in journalism:

"There was clear desire and reason to capitalize Black. Most notably, people who are Black have strong historical and cultural commonalities, even if they are from different parts of the world and even if they now live in different parts of the world. That includes the shared experience of discrimination due solely to the color of one’s skin.

"There is, at this time, less support for capitalizing white. White people generally do not share the same history and culture, or the experience of being discriminated against because of skin color. In addition, we are a global news organization and in much of the world there is considerable disagreement, ambiguity and confusion about whom the term includes."


Well we're sure experiencing it now.


While I am sure there are many more of these kind of stories, it nevertheless relevant that we hear others voices and in turn offer our own. When Oregon was settled the country was in a different era, to say the least. I doubt that Oregon is alone is misguided laws and such that sought to marginalize the black man, but the buck stops here. We must do all that is in our power to combat the tide of racism that lingers over the nation like smog does Los Angeles.
Still, I wonder if in our rush to right wrongs and set a new course for tomorrow for our ship, if we are not in the process of promoting another form of racism and bigotry - only this time in a reverse fashion? As long is there is hate there will be racism out there, in here, over there... To properly defeat it there must be a re-education program and willing hearts to change, neither of which are presently in ample supply.


The guidelines of the associated press are racist, then, Jeff. Africans in their own indigenous continent are often racist down to the tribal level. I can't tell you how to run your business; I can only use the spelling styles that I see fit in my own communications, which include spelling ap in lower case.


Jeb, sorry.


Rotwang. I agree, I read the AP reasoning as juvenile if not a little racist. It reminded me of western naivete when establishing borders in the middle east many years ago and why many of the conflicts today can be subscribed to such arrogance and ignorance.

There are currently dozens of conflicts on the continent of Africa. I keep up on defense aerospace and just read a piece on Russian mercs/equipment in Mozambique.

The frustrating thing about today's adoption of identity politics is that there are many bad places it can lead which is why it is illegal in some countries - one of them is Rwanda because of the Rwandan genocide of 1994 during the ethnic conflict between the Tutsi and Hutu. We should also not forget what happened around that time in the former Yugoslavia.


All that over a capital “W”.....who knew?


Tagup. I should clarify. While I agree with Rotwang about capitalizing one and not the other may be racist, my view may be a little different. What I find possibly offensive and racist is the capitalization of 'B' as if the black community is monolithic. It fails to recognize the diversity within the community. But that's the problem I have with all 'grouping'. Any group (humans) can be further divided into subgroups and so-on. Where does it end? I believe a lot of the sins of our country's past can be traced to a failure to regard all as individuals; the lofty aspiration of many of our original founders.

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