By Starla Pointer • Staff Writer • 

Scott Macy dies at 67

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Did he died September 26th or you meant to write October 26th?

fir tree

A wonderful man who did so much for his community. We will miss you Scott. God bless your soul and your family. Thank you for making us all better by having known you......

Reporter Starla Pointer

Scott died Oct. 26 -- thanks for pointing out the error so I could correct it.


Thank you Scott, for your service to McMinnville and its people, our family included. You served the members of this community in their living and in their leaving the same.

Scott Gibson

I once did laps at the pool, very unusual for me, and this guy in the next lane was blazing past me like a dolphin. Turned out to be Scott. Amazing athlete, amazing guy. A true loss to his family and our community.


One of my favorite local families. A true loss to an entire community.


I spent 20 years in Kiwanis with Scott, and he was an absolute prince of a guy. He had his hands in a lot of things, all of them positive.


No doubt, a great guy and he'll be missed. Very much so.

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