By Asia Alvarez Zeller • Of the News-Register • 

New law regulates single-use straws

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How about all those plastic cups and to go boxes? I understand the intention of what they're trying to do but straws are far less waste then a lot of other things -- what about all the adult and baby diapers going into the landfills? It just seems a little silly.


Can I exchange my old straw for a new one?


I only ask for straws if the establishment I’m in at the time is obviously run by a leftist, then I ask loudly and am shamed for asking ! I just love progressives and their nanny states!


Gregtompkins, is it possible you're not being "shamed" for wanting a straw but rather for being gleefully offensive about it? Btw, how do you know a business is run by a "leftist"? And why does tormenting others entertain you so much? It's one thing to hate everyone who's not exactly like you, but what do you get from loudly proclaiming it in restaurants and newspaper comments?


I seem to recall there is a word for a person who enjoys causing pain or discomfort to others - a perfect descriptor for one who is extremely proud and crows about causing pain or discomfort? (Although that word might require at least one adjective when the proud crowing is modified with a gratuitous political slur to justify it?)

Some behavior is more to be pitied than condemned.


What a sad little man, he only asks for a straw if he feels he can get the reaction he wants. A whole lot of things must be missing in his life if this is how he goes about getting satisfaction. Acting basically as a troll on this forum, it’s too bad he recently has received the desired stroking he is seeking by Jeb, Steve, and Starla all referencing some of his asinine comments. I’m guessing life as a 40 something incel must be rough.

Reporter Starla Pointer

yamhillbilly2 -- I try not to comment much, but when someone states as "fact" something that is so egregiously wrong, sometimes I cannot help myself. He got to me, and I am ashamed of myself for taking the bait, although I'm happy to be able to provide correct information.


yamhillbilly2 – hey thanks for the additional descriptive terminology. (had to google it) Some will opine that it is better to simply ignore the flame-throwers but there are times a steaming pile of (words) cannot be left unchallenged. (Silence might suggest tacit agreement?) Who knows, perhaps the offender will feel unappreciated here and go peddle the snark somewhere he can find affirmation from the like-minded.

Starla – not sure what you are referring to but if you are willing to acknowledge and own an error, you are a credit to the profession. (However, you may be aware that some who post here have previously stated that they do NOT like facts and may not value your dedication to “correct information?”)

Reporter Starla Pointer

Thanks, treefarmer, I do mistakes and do try to acknowledge and correct them. I'm glad there are opportunities for corrections!


Treefarmer, always glad to help.

Starla, I wasn’t criticizing, just observing. When the troll mentioned the theater closing ‘38 years ago’ it was just another example of his total disregard for facts. Another of the troll’s favorite lines is about our local wine industry being all leftists from California, which is an example of his lack of actually knowing anyone in the wine industry. Just like the trolling we suffered through during the recent election, this too will pass.

Bill B

That's why I've asked in the past if there was a way to "ignore" a poster.
Some message boards allow you to do that.


I, too, am tired of the hateful, snarky comments posted by some individuals. Why, on God’s green earth, would someone find joy in purposely trying to start a fight? It goes against all matters of human decency. Does this man think Jesus would do such a thing?


It is encouraging to read that I am not the only one who would appreciate some way to deal with irrational and pointless snark. In keeping with the First Amendment perhaps we could post a ~~~TROLL ALERT~~~ message just below a qualifying comment? (Not referring to opinions – with which we should all be able to take appropriate exception.)

Democracy is being dangerously threatened as the well of truth is being poisoned. Just as social media has been the source of toxins, perhaps it can also work as an antidote? I take some flak in this forum because I cite facts. I plan to continue that practice.


Maybe your 'facts' and truth are not always that. It's the tone you use as if no one is as smart or as articulate as you. I have a dear friend that has talked down to me when our opinions have differed and I was not able to express my opinions without being almost reprimanded. There are many facts and truths out there that are not reported and it's very unfair to a public that really needs honest reporting no matter which side you're on.

Bill B

And that's the problem Finch. Where do you turn for factual rather than opinion reporting. I used to rely on CNN for that, but they have now focused on opinions particularly those that are negative to the president. Fox is fairly good when it's non-political, but they are just as bad on CNN when it is political. I'm trying AP news now.


“Oregon is the second state after California”

Why must we aspire to be like California? Leftist and overpopulated. No thank you!


Finch – I am sorry you find my admittedly passionate and assertive “tone” offensive, and know that you aren’t the only one who feels that way. I would never intentionally “talk down” to you or to anyone, but I will continue to do my best to present opinions in an articulate manner. Our last clash was interesting. You posted some questionable accusations to which I took exception. Another person rose to your defense and cited an NPR article to try and make me aware of the circumstances that likely informed your remarks. Sure enough, it did illuminate something that could have been construed as suspicious and might have caused others to come to the same conclusion you did. Ironically the article also contained several logical factual arguments that negated those suspicions. So I quoted from the article and also acknowledged that I could better understand the origins of your statements even though I still disagreed with them. I was amazed by your response.

I keep hoping that good decent American citizens will eventually recognize they are being hurt and insulted by the lies issued DAILY from a corrupt and destructive administration. The current mandates of our “leadership” reminds me of a quote from George Orwell’s prophetic novel “1984”:

“The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”

Besides voting, and contributing to campaigns I believe in, there is little I can do to counter all the malicious lies beyond voicing what I see as truth and fact. (As I have mentioned previously, I can't just sit by and do nothing.) I do my best to research the facts before stating an opinion or observation. No one is always right and research is only as valid as the source. Just so, I 100% agree with your wise observation that we all need HONEST reporting no matter our political leanings. STOP THE PRESS! The finch and the treefarmer found some common ground!


Finch – an afterthought: It is very disheartening to have someone you consider a friend making you feel as you describe in your last post. I bet if you pursue the honest reporting we have agreed is NECESSARY, and engage in those uncomfortable discussions armed with facts in your quiver, there is no way someone will be able to shake your convictions.


Bill B – A problem indeed. Far too much opinion, far too few facts. (Although I do think many of the negative opinions about the person who regards himself as “The Chosen One” are often because he does so many horrific destructive things. (Even his Fox fan club seems to have started voicing concern and the news folks - not the entertainment propagandists, of course - appear unable/unwilling to spin reality of late.)

I am a devoted viewer of the “NEWSHOUR” at 7:00 on OPB. Their reporting is straightforward and when they do have opinion segments, they nearly always balance the commentary with views from both sides. You might want to kick the tires?


The only element I will miss is removing a small amount of paper at the end of said straw, aiming it, and achieving a direct-hit bull's-eye straight at my target.


I just think it’s funny how the leftists can legislate eco fascism and forced secularism under the guise of “inclusivity.” But if you dare take exception to iir you’re a “troll” whatever that even means? A troglodyte living under a bridge? I recently read The Righteous Mind by Jonathan Haidt and Liberal Fascism by Jonah Goldberg. It really does seem like the liberals are much more fascistic than “alt right.”


Merriam Webster -“A person who intentionally antagonizes others online by posting inflammatory, irrelevant, or offensive comments or other disruptive content.”

James Hanson, University of Nebraska. -“a social media troll is someone who purposely says something controversial in order to get a rise out of others”

Mr Tompkins you seem to perfectly fit theses descriptions.


yamhillbilly2, nope just someone who has an opinion expressing it!

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