By Starla Pointer • Staff Writer • 

Merkley speaks to supportive crowd

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I need to get on the mailing list for events like this. Our politicians need their feet held to the fire, not have softball questions tossed to them and having such hard hitting discussions that everyone applauds his answers.

If the conditions in Central America are so atrocious... support the wall. Build the wall, stop a great majority of drugs coming into this country, stop the money flow to the cartels and hit Mexico with sanctions to break up the corruption and force them to address their societal problems. Mexico must be held accountable for the health, well fair and safety of its citizens. I have never seen that point raised and I think it’s time it’s brought out front. People in Central America are suffering, and allowing a minuscule % of them to cross our border does nothing for the people who won’t leave their homes. Sanctuary laws do not fix the problems, they only cause more problems.

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