By Tom Henderson • Staff Writer • 

Local food bank responds to 'SNAP Gap'

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People doing good work while an idiot runs the country. Thanks for taking care of the community our govt doesn't care about.


YCCO,these folks do great work,they are a blessing


Why all the hate Coco?


Feeding 15,000 people in Yamhill County alone? Wow, that is staggering. Their always has been and always will be poor among us who need our compassion and help...but 15,000 getting free food? In Yamhill County alone?


What happens when eventually the majority needs/wants free food and their is no one left to do the work to provide it? I believe it was the wise sage of Great Britain, Margaret Thatcher, who once said something like "The problem with welfare handouts is that it continues to grow until eventually you run out of other people's money to spend." Sounds like were headin' in that direction here in Yamhill County.


The Iron Maiden is remembered by the majority as a monster.


More living wage jobs in the county would decrease the need for "welfare."


Shorty__ That was my thought as well....trying to live on $11-$12/hr. is pretty tough.....Many that receive assistance do indeed have jobs....

Bill B

So, I continue to see comments that low incomers receive monthly financial assistance. Does anyone have an idea of the amount. I realize that it's income driven but it would help to better understand whether they really can not afford to rent.


Bill B-You can google Living wage calculator for Yamhill County Oregon. It is a good analysis and breakdown of wages needed for different size households

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