
Letters to the Editor: Dec. 31, 2015

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Don Dix

Melvin -- Chipotle, eh? Do you like your E.Coli rare or well done?


Let's not.


sorry,but there is nothing like a medium rare ribeye steak with garlic butter,yum.


Indians have a saying: Vegetarian=bad hunter
my favorite:
vegetarian= They don't live longer, they just look like it


How about prime rib with horseradish sauce?


Lulu, horse radish is a weed. If it is good prime rib, you don't need the horse radish just the prime rib juices.:. :)


Not according to Wickipedia, which says:
Horseradish (Armoracia rusticana, syn. Cochlearia armoracia) is a perennial plant of the Brassicaceae family (which also includes mustard, wasabi, broccoli, and cabbage). It is a root vegetable used as a spice.

The plant is probably native to southeastern Europe and western Asia. It is now popular around the world. It grows up to 1.5 meters (4.9 feet) tall, and is cultivated primarily for its large, white, tapered root.[2][3][4][5]
Horseradish is probably indigenous to temperate Eastern Europe, where its Slavic name chren seemed to Augustin Pyramus de Candolle more primitive than any Western synonym. Horseradish has been cultivated since antiquity.[6] According to Greek mythology, the Delphic Oracle told Apollo that the horseradish was worth its weight in gold.[7] Horseradish was known in Egypt in 1500 BC.
Dioscorides listed horseradish equally as Persicon sinapi (Diosc. 2.186) or Sinapi persicum (Diosc. 2.168),[8] which Pliny's Natural History reported as Persicon napy;[9] Cato discusses the plant in his treatises on agriculture, and a mural in Pompeii shows the plant. Horseradish is probably the plant mentioned by Pliny the Elder in his Natural History under the name of Amoracia, and recommended by him for its medicinal qualities, and possibly the Wild Radish, or raphanos agrios of the Greeks. The early Renaissance herbalists Pietro Andrea Mattioli and John Gerard showed it under Raphanus.[10] Though its modern Linnaean genus Armoracia was first applied to it by Heinrich Bernhard Ruppius, in his Flora Jenensis, 1745, Linnaeus called it Coclearia armoracia.

Both root and leaves were used as a medicine during the Middle Ages and the root was used as a condiment on meats in Germany, Scandinavia, and Britain. It was introduced to North America during European colonialization;[11] both George Washington and Thomas Jefferson mention horseradish in garden accounts.[12]


I use much of the meat juices for Yorkshire pudding, Seabiscuit.


We grow horseradish in the garden. It is extremely easy to grow. If you don't dig it all out it will spread and you will have the plant for years to come. It is best grown in a pot or a buried container so you can keep it under control. When horseradish is sold for $9/lb these days it is much cheaper and fresher at home. Homemade horseradish is terrific on all kinds of sandwiches, deviled eggs, meat, veggies and more. It is easy to make, but you should make it outside as it is very powerful to the eye and nose.


We grew Horseradish in abundance at one point out on the farm. Wife, father in law and mother in law would live on it.

Reference to a weed was sarcasm from probably one of the few people around that can't stand the smell or taste of the stuff - me.

If you ever decide to rid your garden of Horseradish, have fun. You'll certainly think it a weed then, even if OSU Ag School disagrees.
And it is in Greek mythology in which Apollo is told by Delphic Oracle that horseradish was as important as gold. Hence the +$9.00 p/lb.

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