By Scott Unger • Of the News-Register • 

Dustin Court cleaned up, arrests made

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This is baffling. Berchauer is in favor of using the police and jails. Ask yourselves: Has this worked? The odds are 100% that the answer is NO!

How can we take people with no means and punish them for living somewhere?

Here’s a solution: move them to empty space near YCAP, have one mobile unit with showers and one mobile unit with toilets, and put dumpsters onsite.

Maybe these people need to find a little dignity in themselves in order to change? Maybe if we support them rather than PUNISH them they’ll change (maybe a little, but it’s a start).

PUNISHMENT HAS NOT WORKED TO DATE! Stop using tax dollars to jail people. Use other methods - the trailer/dumpster idea, ankle bracelets (for other so-called crimes), etc.

It’s time our systems mature to include everyone. We are all connected. An article in the NR a few months ago stated that 80% of homeless are second or more generation Yamhill families.

Let’s help them, not harm them. Yeah, they have “attitude”, but so do the cops and so does Berchauer!


Fiddler-I couldn’t agree more… the “whack-a-mole” enforcement strategy hasn’t and never will work.
It’s past time to identify a spot where these people can set up and stay legally.
That would also give law enforcement the ability to address other issues in the city.


I also agree with fiddler and with tagup! Why does McMinnville continue to put money and man-hours into dehumanizing these individuals instead of building a "no orlow" barrier campground for them? The problem is NOT going away. Where do they go when they get out of jail? You're making criminals out of people who already have serious problems!


City funding providing them with a place to reside will just result in the same expensive problems and messes we found on Marsh Lane. We literally provided a city-funded dumpster for them and they still didn't use it.

Furthermore once word spread about the milk and honey provided it will only draw more users.

No thank you! I'd rather pay the Police to keep them moving along.

Bill B

Drove through Marsh Lane this morning. It's as bad as it ever has been. Trash, garbage, RVs everywhere. These folks have absolutely no respect for their surroundings or the rest of us. Do the commenters here really think that setting up a site with facilities will really work? The city tried placing dumpsters on Marsh and it didn't work. To do more is just enabling bad behavior in my opinion. We need to take a tough stance.


Is chasing them into a different park or neighborhood every few weeks an effective plan?
Clearly there is a group that will be hard to change, but there are also plenty of people that would benefit from a more permanent setting. Seems like establishing a legal location is worth a shot!


I’m gonna say it again…
The field at the corner of March Ln and Riverside drive is owned by Mac Water and Light. A simple agreement between the county, city, and power company could lease the lot. A few loads of gravel, a dumpster, a shower, some potta-potties and we have a safe “out of the way” place for RVs and tents. A consolidated spot for service providers to engage with potential clients. A single place for the public transit to stop. Easy to patrol. Keeps people out of neighborhoods and away from parks and schools.

We are picking up the trash on the streets anyway, why not at least provide a single place to pick up the trash?

fiddler › matthew › 25-40.htm
Matthew 25:40 - The Sheep and the Goats - Bible Hub
Whoever oppresses the poor taunts their Maker, but whoever is kind to the needy honors Him. Proverbs 19:17 ... Then the King will answer, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for Me.' Treasury of Scripture. And the King shall answer and say to them, Truly….


I DO agree that the current "whack-a-mole" strategy and punishment is not working. Has the city considered a legal camping location? Certainly the cost of the land, showers, porta potties and dumpsters would be less than the cost of clearing out encampments and abating and dismantling RVs. Perhaps the city is currently buying some time pending the outcome of the US Supreme Court case regarding how communities can impose and enforce local camping ordinances?

aim... I believe that lot you are referring to has been earmarked by the city as the site for their future "Recreation Center/Pool". Approval for this estimated $140 million bond is subject to voter approval, and whether citizens will agree to a substantial increase in taxes.

This is such a tough topic. On one hand, these are human beings, deserving of a hand up. On the other hand, some of the homeless population are rogue troublemakers hell-bent on not following laws.


The Supreme Court ruling doesn’t affect the long term houseless issue. It merely sets (or doesn’t) limits on where and when the city can whack the mole.
As far as the lot I mentioned, the bond has nothing to do with it. It’s already owned by a public entity, it would require a simple lease from one entity to another. Hopefully there could be a long term plan before a recreation center is built in that space.


I don't believe anyone in any societal setting is going to go out of their way to respect an establishment that has no respect for them. Show them human decency and respect and their idgaf attitude will change.


I believe this is the same neighborhood of the proposed new pool and community center??


TTT is right. It's sad, but true.

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