By Scott Unger • Of the News-Register • 

County commissioners accuse city of ‘bait and switch’

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People need to remember that Berschauer was a member of the Newberg Fire Board when she supported the significant tax increase to the Rural Newberg residents associated with the takeover of the fire districts in Newberg by TVF&R. What she failed to disclose was the financial benefit to her own household through her then boyfriend who just happened to be employed by TVF&R. She better check the Oregon Ethics law on that's illegal.


"Outrage generation is now activated. Please use your anger to click campaign donation button repeatedly."

Don Dix

blackberry -- Did Newberg voters approve the switch to TVFR, or was it a Newberg Fire Board decision?

Mac Runner

When you have no constructive agenda, all you can rely on is stirring the pot. Neither Starrett nor Berschauer is an honest broker.


The commissioners cry foul when the state makes rules, which it has constitutional authority to do, but try to interfere and overrule city governments where they have none. Mac Runner is exactly right. Then they’re not working ON anything they have all this time to work against others.


Was the evil 'commissioner' wrong?

One important item the article mentions that "the budget committee... ...voted 13-1 to preliminarily implement a half-dollar increase by instructing staff to prepare a budget reflecting the higher tax. ... (the meeting agenda at press time had not listed the matter as a specific agenda item.)"

So the item was passed without public knowledge that it was going to be discussed at the meeting. Because you don't tell people before you steal their money. This has nothing to do with the commissioners.

So we are more outraged because Berschauer's pissed about the city lying to the city voters about the situation with the fire tax levy than we are about the city actually lying about it? And stealing the money anyway? Is that what the Progressive Yamhill outrage committee has moved on to this week? Because it seems an effort is being made to deflect the issue as best we can.

Oh, and we need a new city department to charge the citizens another $4 million because it rains. But we're trying really hard for affordable housing. Let's try to cross common sense and ethics off the list first.


Berschauer can be pissed about anything she wants….but she has no standing to say anything in an official capacity as a county commissioner. I resent the time the commission wastes on issues that are not their concern. There are plenty of items at the county level that need attention….The should stick to the work they were hired to do!

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