By News-Register staff • 

Rep. Elmer plans Aug. 23 town hall at Union Block

Oregon Dist. 24 Rep. Lucetta Elmer (R-McMinnville,) holds a town hall at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Aug. 23. The event will be at Union Block Coffee, 403 N.E. Third St., a business she owns with her husband, Denny.

Elmer, who was elected in November 2022 and completed her first session in the Salem Legislature this year, announced that the town hall is a chance to connect with her and share concerns, discuss the 2023 session, and hear about “what’s coming up next for Dist. 24.”




Let’s get it moved to Flag & Wire or Mac Market so we can have some decent coffee.


I thought she was doing it at Remy Wines???


I have enjoyed the coffee At Union Block for years. Can’t figure out what would cause someone to suggest it is not “decent?” The family establishment is well-run, the staff is cheerful and efficient, I have never heard a single complaint about their coffee or their service. I have not tried the other two establishments mentioned above so this is not a comparison, just an observation from a regular customer.

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