Letters to the Editor: Dec. 17, 2021
Parks need help
As a member of the Parks Advisory Board, I too lament the sad history of Yamhill County parks and hope to encourage our commissioners to do better.
The new master plan, the first in 10 years, represents an opportunity to make current county parks more prepared and updated for use by patrons. It can also help us develop funding for acquisition of important recreation-rich lands throughout the county, though land donations will continue to play a major role.
Many kudos to Parks Director Ben Much, who jumped into the middle of the Dayton Landing fray and facilitated a temporary solution, with a look to solving the Landing’s problems one step at a time.
Commissioner Lindsay Berschauer has been the Advisory Board’s liaison to the commissioners this year. She has expressed support for funding the master plan.
With the park system’s dilemmas now so clearly showing up, this is an opportunity for her to develop a vision — in conjunction with the other two commissioners — to allow the park system to play a more important part in day-to-day life in Yamhill County.
And, yes, it would be best for residents if that vision could include the Yamhelas Westsider Trail and Whiteson Park, giving residents places to ride bikes, hike trails and explore nature.
Steven Harloff
Kindness is contagious
Much in our current news cycles is disheartening — a deadly pandemic, gun violence, disastrous weather events caused by a warming climate, greed and corruption in the world of politics — leaving me with feelings of distress. But a few days ago I was blessed to be a recipient of a random act of kindness.
I was checking out at the grocery store. Just as I was about to insert my card into the credit machine, I heard a voice say, “May I pay for your groceries?”
I turned to see a smiling young woman. And while I stammered and stumbled over my response, she slipped her card into the slot.
I had the means to pay, but her gift of grace that brought me joy. I needed that reminder that there is much good in the world — especially in this season where we give thanks for a God who loves us, and takes care of us, and expects us to take care of each other.
I hope this kind woman reads this newspaper so she will know I will pay her kindness forward with a gift to a program connected to my church. It’s called Saturday Morning Breakfast, and offers a hot meal to anyone who needs it.
To all who read this, I pray you be blessed today, and in some small way, respond by bringing joy to someone else.
Ann Wheeler
Well choreographed
Dr. Jacqueline Eriksen’s office called and invited me to Physicians Medical Center to get a COVID vaccination. It was such a gracious offer to bypass all the misinformation, confusion and upset in the community at large.
When the day came for my jab, I was quite astonished at my experience. Not a sound was heard.
There were no whispers or whimpers from the very large group of 80-year-olds. It was like a New York stage show with choreography second to none.
People were coming and going, checking in and out, and getting dates for second shots. It was like a symphony, everything perfect with remarkable synchrony.
What a tremendous tribute to Dr. Eriksen and all the other wonderful, creative and thoughtful people at PMC. They made this phenomenal event happy at a time of such great conflict and sadness.
Ann Reid
Invest in our children
I read with interest the opinion article by Steve Rutledge, pointing out American shortcomings when it comes to simply providing a good start for our future citizens, taxpayers and leaders. It’s appalling to me when our investment in childhood and family support programs fall woefully short when compared to other developed countries.
It is a well-established practice in business that if you invest to prevent problems from occurring, every $1 invested in prevention has a $10 return in reducing future costs. I have no doubt that investment in the development of children, including helping pregnant mothers have healthy babies, would pay dividends for our families and society as a whole.
I think we know what the right thing is. We need the policy and political will to make these important investments for the future of county, state and country.
Call your representatives today and ask them what they are doing to help strengthen American families and support the healthy development of American children.
Phil Forve
Too much tootin’
Is it just me, or are the trains in McMinnville blowing their horns more frequently these days?
Troy Schulz