Cooling shelters will open during heatwave; farmers market canceled

Round 3 of this summer's extreme heat is expected to arrive with a punch Wednesday, with a high of 102 degrees that afternoon, 106 Thursday and Friday and continuing in the 90s over the weekend.
The expected triple digit heat has already led to some closures: The McMinnville Farmers Market is canceled this Thursday, and Head Start classes will end at noon and there will be no buses.
The National Weather Service has issued an "excessive heat watch" for Wednesday through Saturday for Western Oregon and Washington. "Dangerously hot conditions," forecasters said, warning, "extreme heat will significantly increase the potential for heat-related illnesses, particularly for those working or participating in outdoor activities."
Avoid exerting yourself outside during the peak heat. Seek shade, drink plenty of water and make sure pets have enough of both, as well.
With multiple days of extremely hot weather in the forecasts, many of Yamhill County's cooling shelters will be reopening. The McMinnville First Baptist Church, McMinnville Public Library and Yamhill County Gospel Rescue Mission all will offer space for cooling off.
Water stations will be set up in three McMinnville parks during the high temperatures, City Park, Wortman and Joe Dancer.
Several coolling shelters also will be open in Newberg, including the public library.
Howie Harkema of Encompass Yamhill Valley, who coordinates information about the cooling shelters, said his team met Monday afternoon to confirm other locations. The team includes Brian Young of Yamhill County Emergency Management and representatives from fire agencies, schools, churches, cities and non-profits all over the county.
This week's heatwave follows two other periods of 100-plus degree heat, one over the final weekend of June and one during the final week of July. Harkema said more than 125 people used cooling centers during the June period and more than 50 in July.