Cooling shelters open as heat nears 100 degrees

If you think Thursday was hot...
The National Weather Service says temperatures will get even hotter today, with an expected high of 99 degrees.
The McMinnville First Baptist Church and the Yamhill County Gospel Rescue Mission will be open as cooling centers during the heatwave.
In Newberg, the library is open for cooling today and Saturday, as well.. The Newberg Emergency Shelter is hoping to open earlier than its usual 8 p.m. to 8 a.m. hours, as well.
The heat is expected go down a little Saturday, though, to 94 degrees, then drop into the high 80s on Sunday, the first day of August, and again on Monday.
Overnight temperatures will be in the 60s, the drop into the 50s Saturday night, the National Weather Service says.
Be sure to keep yourself and your pets hydrated during the heatwave. Seek shade and drink water immediately if you begin to feel dizzy or light-headed. Avoid strenuous activity during the afternoon, when it's warmest.