Over 100 students exposed to COVID in Willamina
Three Willamina High School students and one other student were diagnosed with COVID-19, Superintendent Carrie Zimbrick told the News-Register Friday.
Additionally, the baseball and football teams were exposed, according to the superintendent.
The baseball team played its first game Monday, April 12, against Warrenton, and the football team played its last game Friday, April 9, against Sheridan.
“We have more than 100 students advised to quarantine due to potential exposure,” Zimbrick said.
The campus will be closed this week, with K-12 students returning to school Tuesday, April 27. Students are scheduled to be off campus on Monday, a day reserved for staff planning.
Originally, the high school was to undergo a two-week pause, this week and next week, on a recommendation from the Yamhill County Health Department, but that is no longer the case.
During the weeklong, districtwide closure, meal distribution sites will close, Willamina Food Service Director Lynne Brown Shore posted on the Communities of the West Valley Facebook page.
Anyone wishing to order a four-day meal box for their children should call 503-876-2702 and leave a message with name and the number of children in the household, according to Shore.
Pre-ordered meal boxes must be picked up drive-through style in front of the school on Tuesday April 20 from noon to 2 p.m.
The school campus on Oaken Hills Drive was closed Friday, April 16, for a thorough cleaning of the facilities, according to Zimbrick.
“We’re going to err on the side of caution,” she said. “Contact tracing is not perfect, but we’re working as hard on it as we can.”
She issued a statement regarding the outbreak. It read in part:
“As members of the school community, we understand that this might raise concerns alongside a caring response. We are working closely with Yamhill County Public Health Department to respond to this news and protect the health of our community.”
Zimbrick said each situation calls for different protocols, which she outlined.
“Require all students and staff that have been exposed to quarantine for a minimum of seven days, provided they have a negative test, as advised by the Oregon Health Authority. If a person chooses not to get tested, the quarantine requirement is 10 days provided no symptoms arise. If a person develops symptoms the quarantine time is 14 days. Provide rapid testing for any student or staff that requests testing and has filled out the appropriate permission forms. Deep clean classrooms and common areas in the school.”
Zimbrick said the district will update students, parents and staff with new information as it becomes available, “while meeting the requirements to honor evereyone’s right to privacy.”
More information can be found on the Oregon Department of Education’s Ready Schools, Safe Learners page and the Oregon Health Authority’s COVID-19 page.
Anyone with questions or concerns can email the superintendent at carrie.zimbrick@willamina.k12.or.us or call 503-876-1501.