Many must re-register for COVID-19 vaccination appointments
Many local people must re-register for COVID-19 vaccination appointments through Yamhill County, as YC Health and Human Services this week adopts the Get Vaccinated Oregon (GVO) tool for registrations going forward.
“We will continue to use our existing registration list for vaccination appointments through March 26,” said a Friday email from the YCHHS. “After March 26, we will begin using the GVO tool.”
YCHHS Director Lindsey Manfrin announced the change on Friday, citing multiple benefits of the Oregon Health Authority registration tool. Those include multi-platform messages to eligible people, and alerts to vaccination events in other counties and through other organizations.
“Unfortunately,” stated the Friday YCHHS email, “we do not have a way to transfer existing information into the new system. This means, if you still need your first dose of COVID-19 vaccine you will need to register through the GVO tool.”
That registration tool can be found online at
The Friday email stated, “If you have already received your first dose of COVID-19 vaccine, please disregard this message.” However, the upshot of that message was not completely clear in looking at a combination of YCHHS reports.
Another YCHHS report said, “If you still need your first dose of COVID-19 vaccine, you will need to register through the GVO tool," raising a question of what happens with people who have yet-unfulfilled first dose appointments.
Monday, Manfrin said, "People
who have already had a first dose or who are scheduled do not need to register."
In related vaccination information, YCHHS representatives in the past week have been calling people registered in the existing county system to ask if they have received a first dose of vaccine. That suggested possible loss of data in the county system, but Manfrin said Friday she was unaware of any such data loss.
“We believe,” said the Friday email, “a majority of eligible individuals registered with Yamhill County for a COVID-19 vaccine have been vaccinated by us or another organization.
More details about the YCHHS move to the state’s GVO registration tool will appear in the Tuesday News-Register.
Just when I was starting to wonder if Yamhill County could be any more of a disorganized failure at vaccinating people in need. Fortunately my family gave up weeks ago and found a clinic outside the county giving vaccines to everyone who qualifies. Why our own doctors aren't doing that remains a mystery.
Oh, who needs vaccines as long as we live in a county where we can lug around our guns?
This is what you get when there is a hodge-podge set of systems in a National Health Emergency. Every city and county gov tries to develop a vaccine distribution system on their own. Then add in the old servers, old software, and lack of funding....and why do people not trust gov institutions?? It's maddening. Just let Amazon run the shots and get the hell out of the way.