Margie Chandler 1938 - 2020

Margie Chandler was born to William and Anna Belle McDaniel on September 6, 1938, in Lumberton, North Carolina.
Margie grew up on a sharecropper farm with her mom and siblings. She would come home from school and till the soil with a mule pulling the plow. She would harvest corn, tobacco and cotton by hand. She learned a hard work ethic from her mother, especially after her father died when she was about 12 years old.
She graduated high school and attended nursing college in North Carolina. She married Ted Grover and gave birth to three sons, Ted Grover, Perry Grover and Tony Grover. Perry died soon after childbirth. She never got to see him. She had to remain in the hospital during the burial.
She moved with her husband back to McMinnville, Oregon, and joined his family here. She started work at the old McMinnville Hospital around 1960 and continued working there until 2000. She started out as a nursing aide in the baby ward, but was asked to move to the radiology department and was promoted, many years later, to chief technician in X-ray. In 1989, she was board certified to Ultrasonographer after passing very difficult testing. She remained in Ultrasound until her retirement in 2000. During that time, she performed many exams on the people of Yamhill County. She performed so many baby exams that she soon did exams on the mothers and then their daughters.
She gave of herself to help people in their time of distress and need during medical emergencies. Thousands of times she was called in the late or early hours to X-ray or ultrasound a person in need of her talents. She never complained. She just answered the call and did her job. She always took care of her patients.
She was a member of Grace Baptist Church of McMinnville and is with the Lord now. She has finally met Jesus and her baby, Perry.
She leaves behind some devastated people who loved her so very much. She was the sweetest woman I ever knew and I will miss her forever. She had a large family who lived all over the U.S. From her two sons she had six grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. She thought of her first husband’s family as her own and they loved each other greatly. They were a great part of her life here in McMinnville.
Margie had been suffering from multiple heart problems, breathing problems and the effects of diabetes. She wanted me to give credit to Dr. Speer for all his help in keeping her alive for the past 15 years. His endless care of her saved her more than once. But Margie was ready to go this time, and we left her in the care of Angels. We will see her again soon.
I would like all the people who came into contact with her and loved her to stop and say, “Thank you, God, for letting me know Margie.” Then keep a little ember in your heart to remember her, for her type are few upon this Earth.
I met Margie in 1974, as I had come to McMinnville to check on an X-ray job here. I fell in love with her at first sight, married her in June of 1977, and still love her today and forever. We had an extraordinary life together for 49+ years and loved each other deeply. It was very difficult for me to watch her health diminish over the past 10 years, but she fought all the way.
Margie, I am with you and you are still with me…always.
Services will be held at 11:00 a.m. October 3, at Valley Baptist Church. Masks are required.
She had a lot of friends here. Please come.