McMinnville extends school year
The school board agreed with Superintendent Maryalice Russell that the district should make up four days missed in March when the governor closed schools because of the coronavirus pandemic.
Gov. Kate Brown closed buildings a week before spring break. They remained closed after that, but students returned to their studies via distance learning.
Students missed five days of classes, but the district generally doesn’t make up for the first day schools are closed because of weather or other circumstances. Russell said it should make up the other four days, though.
Teachers’ last day will be June 18.
The board unanimously approved the change on May 11.
It also approved a reduction in force action, which creates a plan for cutting staff if necessary due to state revenue shortages. No cuts have been made at this point.
The district needs to give its employee groups at least 60 days’ notice before an RIF can be implemented.
“A RIF is the last way we want to save money, but it could be used if necessary,” Russell said.
The district also could institute a furlough, which could potentially save about $267,000 a day, but it would need to negotiate with employee unions to do so.
RIF=reduction in force