City planners close office, still processing applications
McMinnville’s city planners have closed their doors to the public at least through April 10.
Permits and other paperwork will be processed online, or through telephone or video services.
“We recognize that this could be an inconvenience and did not make the decision lightly,” Planning Director Heather Richards said. “We will continue to review and issue permits electronically, and have set up provisions for paying for permits with a credit card electronically.”
Those who need to pay by check or pick up a permit in person at the Community Development Center at 231 N.E. Fifth St. can make an appointment, Richards said.
Local residents are also encouraged to:
n Submit all permit applications electronically.
n Drop off plans at the box by the front door of the development center.
n Make appointments for in-person consultations with an engineer, planner or building plans examiner. Appointment may also be conducted via video conferencing.
People at appointments must keep their distance, Richards said. “Anyone who is coughing, appears to have a fever, or is having difficulty breathing will be asked to return at a later time,” she said.
Building, engineering and planning staff members are available to assist permit customers via phone and email during regular working hours, she added.
Customers can visit the following websites for staff contact information, additional information and updates:
n Building Department website: Phone: 503-434-7314.
n Code Compliance Department website: Phone: 503-434-7305.
n Engineering Department. Phone: 503-434-7312.
n Planning Department website: Phone: 503-434-7311.
“The city will continue to do its best to minimize any risks,” Richards said. “We will continue to monitor the COVID-19 outbreak and will follow guidance from Yamhill County Public Health and the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) to ensure community and employee safety.”