Law enforcement decision stalls again in Amity
AMITY - A decision related to whether the Amity City Council wants to retain its own police department or contract with the Yamhill County Sheriff's Office stalled again Wednesday night.
Chris Bolek resigned as chief earlier, but agreed to work through the end of the year. He took the Amity job after retiring from the Newberg-Dundee Police Department.
When Amity first sought a new chief, following Bolek's decision to resign, only two individuals applied. They were never identified by the city. Both individuals were interviewed by a panel, but the council directed city staff to reopen the recruitment process. During a three-week period of time, no one else applied for the position.
Bolek addressed the council Wednesday evening and said Sgt. James Clark is not interested in the job.
Mayor Michael Cape made it clear during the meeting at the Community Center (former fire hall) that he prefers keeping the police department intact. The public has expressed its desire be served by a city-run police force, according to the mayor.
However, with Bolek leaving in about three months, Cape recommended that the city reopen the chief recruitment process, take until March or April to seek candidates, and in the interim, contract with the sheriff's office for one year.
Councilor William Daley made a motion to proceed forward in that manner. It died for lack of a second. Daley, Dawn King, Caralyn Miller and Max Walker attended the meeting; Joshua Simonson and Rudy van Soolen were absent.
It was decided the chief recruitment issue will be further discussed in committee meetings and be brought back to the council for a possible decision on Monday, Nov. 7.