Living with purpose in Parker’s name
Nov. 16 at 12:37 a.m. marked a year since Parker Archie Moore’s life ended.
We still close our eyes and expect to open them and shake off this cruelest of nightmares, but that is not so. Knowing his death was the result of a violent, deliberate and unprovoked action from an unknown person compounds the horror. Why? How? Really? How can this happen? How can this happen to Parker of all people?
The unanswered questions stay with us and linger and hang on us and we don’t expect to find simple or satisfying answers. Much has been written, read, posted and told about Parker in this past year — his character, his personality, his sense of humor, his leadership, his friendships, his smile, his ability to make people feel valued…his life was lived fully and made a difference. We always knew these things, but hearing them from many angles, distances and perspectives has affirmed us, encouraged us and made us laugh through our tears.
This past year, we have been the recipient of so much support. This is appreciated, and we are humbled and hopefully gracious in receiving it. We have heard and seen many, many genuine lasting impacts of Parker’s life and we treasure them…from people trying to live Parker’s character, to college scholarships granted from people’s generosity, to a young man asking our permission to name his new baby Parker with the hope he grows to be like him.
We desperately want to hear him, touch him, smell him, watch him, and create memories with him which might be part of the spiritual mystery when we feel Parker’s presence through countless “Parker Sightings.” Those are a marvel but not nearly enough.
In our most hopeful moments, we feel that we might be able to live like Parker — with purpose, action, living in the moment, caring and loving others and looking for the moments to look into another person’s eyes, really look, and ask “How are you? I want to know” and then listen and be present.
The reality is that this is a day-to-day endeavor, best said by Martha Whitmore Hickman, “I will try to be fully present to this day. This day which is precious in itself and different from any other day I have had or will have.”
Parker Archie Moore, you are greatly loved and greatly missed forever, Doug, Julee and Hayley Moore #parkerstrong #linfieldstrong
Doug Moore, on behalf of the entire Moore family
Woodinville, Washington