By Nicole Montesano • Staff Writer • 

Signatures turned in for Berschauer recall attempt, take 2

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vote YES!

Joel R

Ever notice how when a progressive wins an election the media says "the people have spoken." When a conservative wins they say it's "due in large part to a barrage of spending by right-wing groups."


It’s evident that the voters of Yamhill County, after the disappointing results of the first recall petition, have a strong desire for a more competent, less divisive, and more business friendly County Commissioner. It is also evident that Lindsay now appreciates and understands the gravity of this desire for change by putting up her signs even before an election has been certified by our County Clerk!


Ah yes "....a barrage of spending by right-wing groups....." Easy enough to check out the source of Berschauer's contributions. (and observe who she serves and answers to) The shoe fits.

Restore fiscal and administrative sanity to Yamhill County. Vote her out.

Don Dix

C'mon Joel, you know it's only right-wing groups that spend heavily to receive government favors -- the left-wingers would never stoop to such contemptible behavior, right?

Joel R

You missed my point, Tree. But Don didn't. Both sides aggressively take money from wherever they can get it. But most journalists aren't even handed in the way they report it. And honestly I don't really blame them They're human too. Bias creeps in. Oh well. But I think it's good for it to be pointed out from time to time.

David S. Wall

***Berschauer's campaign finances are located here:

***Interesting expenditures of campaign funds is located here:

***Note:[Transaction ID 3930077]...Aggregate expenditure of [$9,993.75].

***Berschauer spends [$9,993.75] for Attorney services.

For: [Professional Services Provided/Research/Review...General Operational Expenses (need description)].

David S. Wall


Too bad the passion isn't there for the state level!


WEll, Joel, a lot of people try to preserve the progressive agenda that has benefited you, your parents and neighbors, including infrastructure that benefits commerce, Social Security, schools, recreation, and public safety by voting for people who also want to do so. When regressives pay a lot of money to sway opinion with big posters in support their candidates, it is meant to be intimidating and it works and hurts us all.

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