Bubba King clear choice for county commissioner

David “Bubba” King, challenging incumbent Lindsay Berschauer for a seat on the Yamhill County Board of Commissioners in Oregon’s May 21 primary, is an engaging candidate.
On the work front, he’s something of a Swiss army knife.
King has raised pigs, cows, chickens and a goat or two. Along the way, he’s managed to raise a wide-enough array of fruits and vegetables to sustain a community supported agriculture enterprise, known as a CSA.
Four years ago, he got into the restaurant business with a venture called Honey Pie Pizza, which he just sold last year. He currently operates a raw-milk business with his wife on a patch of farmland lying just north of Newberg, dubbed Godspeed Hollow.
He and his wife, Sarah, who works for Nike in Portland, have two children attending Newberg schools.
On her side, they represent the sixth generation of Newberg residency. They are active in youth sports, which keeps mom and dad active in youth sports as well.
His family relocated from Southern California’s Yorba Linda 25 years ago, settling in Sherwood, and he went on to graduate from Sherwood High.
Before becoming a farmer, restaurateur and dairyman, King followed his dad into the concrete business, and spent 10 years running his own company. Long active in his church, he also spent time serving as a youth pastor.
Through Sarah, a George Fox grad with an MBA, he was introduced to the winery business. There, his genial, confident personality and relentlessly optimistic outlook made him a natural fit.
King is something of a Jack-of-all-trades on the political side as well. His politics are as hard to pigeonhole as his career track.
He’s a dedicated non-affiliated voter, beholden to no particular party, cause or ideology. As such, he’s been put off by the extreme partisanship roiling Newberg city, school and parks district politics in recent years and committed himself to dialing it down.
To that end, King assumed the presidency of the Newberg Chamber of Commerce and sought, unsuccessfully, a seat on Newberg’s Chehalem Park & Recreation District. To that same end, he is now seeking a seat on another battle-torn body, the county board of commissioners.
We are under no illusions about the challenge of bridging the yawning gap between the differing perspectives in play over at the county courthouse. But King’s exuberant, energetic and engaging style, diversity of background and life experiences, and openness to new approaches, make him exceptionally well-suited.
He sold us. Exposed to enough voters, we feel confident he’d sell them, too, at least in large measure.
There’s a third candidate in the mix in David Wall. He’s fallen into a pattern of filing every two years, but engaging in no actual campaigning.
Wall does not submit to interviews, seek endorsements, engage in fundraising or participate in forums. He just files.
However, that served to net him 14.5% against Mary Starrett in 2018, 7.1% percent against Berschauer in 2020 and 9.8% against Starrett again in 2022 — easily enough to force this year’s only two serious contenders into a long and expensive November runoff, if those numbers were to hold once again.
About 87,500 of the county’s 108,000 residents are of voting age, but fewer than 75,000 are registered and only about 30,000 typically vote in primaries. More than 2,500 actual voters can be expected to abstain in local races, ultimately leaving the decision to less than a third of the potential electorate.
That makes the old maxim, “Every vote counts,” truer than ever. We would, thus, strongly advise against wasting one on Wall. The only David worth a look in this race is David “Bubba” King.
That brings us to the incumbent, who’s has notched two victories, both along 52% to 48% margins. The first came in the 2020 primary, the second in a special 2022 recall election.
Berschauer seems to relish being a lightning rod. A professional political consultant by trade, primarily in the Portland Metro area, she publicly ripped members of the county staff in her first meeting.
The Arizona transplant now living in McMinnville has continued in the same no-holds-barred vein ever since. If anything, the recall campaign seemed to encourage her stridency and penchant for wading into readily avoidable conflict.
In tandem with Starrett, Berschauer has embraced an array of anti-masking, anti-vaccination and pro-gun measures steeped in partisan ideology. She has, on multiple occasions, sought to bring undue influence to bear on both personal and professional fronts.
She has engaged in cronyism and nepotism, and has routinely ignored the input of expert advisers on one side and interested members of the public on the other. We find that kind of orientation and behavior disqualifying on its face.
We elect county officials on a non-partisan basis to deliver county services on a non-partisan basis.
David “Bubba” King promises to deliver welcome relief from the histrionics marking county doings since Berschauer’s raucous advent four years ago. He would also create a strong, balanced working tandem with the newest commissioner, Kit Johnston, who, thus far, has been overshadowed by the more forceful approach of Starrett and Berschauer.
A unifier rather than a divider, he’s the right candidate for this job.
So grateful to our hometown newspaper! (Stand by for incoming though – doing the right thing will likely stir up an affluent formerly comfortable hornet’s nest or two?)
This is an excellent evaluation of our choices for the BOC race. One can only hope that facts and common sense will encourage our citizens to vote for their own best interests this time around. We can settle for another term of divisive non-representative governance, for the misuse of our hard-earned tax dollars, for questionable ethics – OR - we can elect the man who will actually serve the needs of the people with integrity. We are most fortunate Bubba King is willing to serve. I have had the opportunity to speak with many friends and neighbors about Bubba, about his refreshing agenda for county government. I note that the majority of his support comes from the grass roots and from small farm owners like myself. Strength in numbers, valid basis for hope!
I lived in Arizona for many, many decades and I can tell you that Berschauer appears to be operating under the same political play book that has been plaguing Arizona since the 1990's. As such, I prefer Bubba King and I definitely agree with this article. Thank you, NR!
This assessment is spot on. I will be voting for Bubba. Enough is enough, so sick of Berschauer's drama.
"INSANITY"= doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Stop the BOC insanity, and vote for Bubba. My vote is in the ballot box!
3 reasons you should NOT vote for Lindsay:
1. Lindsay's campaign is funded by the George Family, owners of one of the largest hazelnut processing companies in the country. Nothing wrong with that. Where it becomes very, very wrong is when she represents only the big money that helped get her get elected and blatantly ignores the wishes of the citizen majority.
2. Here's one example of how Lindsay serves her wealthy farmer campaign supporters and ignores pure and simple betterment for citizens: In 2020 Lindsay killed the Yamhelas Westsider Trail, even though construction had already begun and it meant returning hefty private donations and a $1.5 million grant to the state. She killed it because her farmer supporters are against having regular people (ugh!) sully "their" lovely county. She killed it even though an online petition in June of 2021 gathered more than 3,200 signatures in favor of the trail.
3. Lindsay appointed six candidates with jaw-dropping conflicts of and lack of qualifications to the county parks advisory board. One of them is her husband. One of them is Celine McCarthy. McCarthy and her husband, Greg, who was convicted in federal court last year of financial fraud, were among the largest campaign finance donors to Lindsay.
4. There are many more examples of this politician's wily undertakings. You'll find them in Mac's News-Register newspaper. Keep informed. Everybody rise up and vote for Bubba King.