Helping Hands 012225
Soroptimist International of McMinnville: Donations are needed for the “SoroBoutique” clothing donation program. The “SoroBoutique” benefits job ready women in need by providing shopping vouchers for job interview or work appropriate clothing purchases. The program is funded in part by donations made to the Soroptimist International of McMinnville consignment account at the local “New to You” Consignment Store. You can help by donating goods to the Soroptimist “New to You” consignment account. Donation guidelines can be found at Cash donations can be mailed to SoroBoutique, P.O. Box 742, McMinnville.
Special Olympics: Volunteers of all ages are needed to help children and adults with developmental disabilities train for athletic competitions in a variety of Olympic-type sports. Everyone involved builds sports skills, confidence, strength, motivation and self-esteem. For details, call 503-472-5252.
Sweat-equity housing: Yamhill Community Development Corp. needs volunteers to assist self-help builders construct single-family houses. Construction supervisors provide training for all tasks. For details, call 503-434-5265.
Swedemom Center of Giving: The nonprofit Swedemom Center of Giving needs help turning material donations into money for community organizations through online sales. Volunteers are needed to help sort, take photos and write descriptions of items, and to perform other tasks. For details, call 503-474-4725 or message
The Soup Kitchen at St. Barnabas: Volunteers are needed to wash dishes on Mondays through Fridays from 4:30 to 6:15 p.m. For details, call 503-472-3711.
United Way: The United Way seeks volunteers for the Good360 program and to serve as loaned executives. Volunteers must be interested and involved in the community. For details, or to register for training, email or call 503-363-1651.
Willamette Valley Medical Center: The McMinnville Hospital Volunteers are seeking volunteers age 18 or older to assist visitors in the gift shop. For details, contact Shannon Reeser at 503-435-6320.
Yamhill County Gleaners: Farmers willing to share their unharvested crops are needed; trucks pick up the farm gleanings and tax deductions are available. Donations of excess garden produce also will be welcomed. During the harvest season, volunteers also are needed to pick fruits and vegetables to be distributed to food pantries and the elderly or needy. For details, call 503-472-7171.
Yamhill County Historical Society: Volunteer positions are open for the Yamhill Valley Heritage Center. For details, email, call 503-472-2842 or go to
YCAP Spoke House: Volunteer bicycle mechanics are sought for YCAP’s Spoke House team in its efforts to restore bikes and distribute them to those in need of transportation. Intermediate bike repair skills are appreciated, but not necessary. For details, contact Kristina Buck at 503-883-4188 or
Zero Waste McMinnville: Volunteers are needed at summer events and throughout the year. Volunteers educate the community about issues concerning waste and oversee the collecting and sorting of waste collected at these events. For details, call Jeri White at 503-207-5482.
A Family Place: Volunteers are needed to rock babies, play with toddlers, prepare food, provide back-up transportation, plan events, organize diaper drives, staff festival booths, do office work and spread the word about the Relief Nursery Classroom and other projects. For details, call 971-241-1877 or email
American Red Cross: Disaster responders, preparedness educators, blood drive ambassadors and volunteer drivers are needed. Responders provide emergency relief to people who have been displaced by fires, floods or storms. Educators share the message of preparedness and safety with community groups, businesses and schools. Blood drive ambassadors greet and register blood donors. For details, call 503-528-5624 or apply online
ASPIRE: Volunteers are needed as ASPIRE mentors at Yamhill Carlton High School. Training is available for volunteers to learn how to help students craft a college/career plan for after high school. For details, contact Janet Herring-Sherman, ASPIRE Program Coordinator, at or call or text 503-883-3686.
Brookdale Clare Bridge Place: Volunteers are needed to call bingo and write letters for their residents as well as play games, read and take walks with them. Screening and background checks are required. For details, contact Ellie Mary at
CASA: County Court Appointed Special Advocates are needed. CASA volunteers serve as voices for abused and neglected children in court and advocate for their best interests. For details, or to obtain an application, call 503-434-6668 or email
Chehalem Health & Rehabilitation Center: The Newberg nursing facility seeks volunteers for gardening, crafts, exercise, music and visiting with residents. For details, call Stephanie Haslett at 503-538-2108 or email
Chehalem Youth & Family Services: Volunteers are need in the following areas for a nonprofit service program to youth and families in Yamhill County: adult mentors, tutors, gardeners, tech support, event organizing, office support and board membership. For details, visit or call 503-554-1461.
Dundee Community Committee: Volunteers are needed to help with activities for children and families. The DCC hosts several community events during the year. For details, call Larissa DeHart at 971-237-0191, or attend a meeting at 5:45 p.m. on fourth Tuesdays at Dundee LaSierra.
Evergreen Aviation & Space Museum: The museum seeks volunteers to help with tours, greet the public, assist with special events, promote museum membership and restore aircraft and exhibits. Online volunteer forms and applications are available at For details, call 503-434-4180, email or visit
First Presbyterian Church: Volunteers are needed to cook, package meals, distribute and wash dishes for the Saturday community dinners. Dinner is served from 5 to 6 p.m. weekly at the church, 390 N.E. Second St., McMinnville. A brief training is required. For details, call 503-472-6256 or email
Friends of Chehalem House: Volunteers are needed to handle donations, work at Lucky Finds Thrift and Gift store and manage online sales, help with maintenance and yard work, cleaning and organizing. Volunteers at the Drop-in Center interact and support guests, board membership and rental management. For details, visit,, or call 503-550-0014.
Gallery Theater: Volunteers are always needed to perform, usher, help mail newsletters, do fundraising and work on show productions, including lighting, sound, stage design and construction. For details, call 503-472-2227 or visit
Greater Yamhill Watershed Council (GYWC): Volunteers are needed to help with fish population surveys, water quality sampling, habitat work parties, outreach and events. For details, email
Habitat for Humanity: Volunteers are needed in a variety of areas, including committees, construction and the ReStore. For details, call Jennifer Lyon at 503-687-1412, or visit the web site at
Head Start: Volunteers are needed to provide classroom assistance, help in the kitchen, assist the maintenance team or do clerical work in the administrative office. Help staff build a foundation for children’s academic and life success. For details, call 503-472-2000 or visit
Henderson House: Volunteer board members and other volunteer positions are needed. Volunteers must be 18 years of age and pass a state of Oregon background check. For details, contact Volunteer Coordinator Trudy Siderius at 503-472-0244 or
Life Care Center: The McMinnville facility of this skilled nursing and rehabilitation company seeks volunteers to assist with bingo, trivia, bowling, scenic tours, lunch outings, board games and holiday events. For details, call 503-472-4678.
Long-term care ombudsman: Volunteers are needed to advocate for the elderly and disabled residents in long-term care facilities. The program is administered by the Office of the Long-term Care Ombudsman of Oregon. For details, call 1-800-522-2602 or visit
Meals-on-Wheels: Volunteers are needed to help assist with preparing and portioning meals, serving, delivering or cleaning up. For details, call 503-472-4214.
Northwest Senior & Disability Services: NWSDS is a local intergovernmental agency serving seniors and people with disabilities. Volunteers are needed in a variety of areas including meal delivery, kitchen duty, administration, money management, advisory council and Medicare assistance. Volunteers are especially needed in Sheridan and McMinnville. For details, call Elijiah Friday at 503-472-4214 or
Outdoor Education Adventures: Volunteers are needed to help lead school field trips and teach children about Salmon biology, aquatic life, water quality, nature awareness, data collection and other natural science subjects. For details, contact Theresa Crain at 971-267-2913 or
Prestige Post-Acute Rehabilitation: This McMinnville-based skilled nursing facility would like volunteers to offer crafts, gardening, woodworking, games, travel and companionship to residents. For details, call 503-472-3141 or stop by at 421 S.E. Evans St.
Provoking Hope: Volunteers are needed for reception work in the office, fundraisers and other activities. For details, call 971-261-2259 or stop by 213 N.E. 10th St., McMinnville.
SafeShelter Host Homes: Youth Outreach is accepting applications for host homes to provide emergency temporary shelter for runaway or homeless local youth age 11 through 17. Applicants must pass background checks, provide complete biographical information, complete training and regularly attend support meetings; they receive a small monthly stipend and nightly allowance when providing shelter for up to 21 days per youth. For details, call 503-538-8023.
Saturday Morning Breakfast: Volunteers are needed to help cook and serve breakfast every Saturday morning from 8 to 10 a.m. at McMinnville Cooperative Ministries, 544 N.E. Second St. For details, email
Scotty’s Playhouse: The Nazarene Church on the Hill needs volunteers to help oversee free, two-hour playtimes in its indoor playground on a regular monthly or weekly schedule. Training is provided; background check is required. For details, call 503-472-8476.
SMART (Start Making A Reader Today): Volunteers are needed to read with a child for one hour each week at Willamette, Sue Buel, Newby, Wascher, Yamhill-Carlton and Grandhaven elementary schools. Volunteer site coordinators are needed at Columbus and Wascher Elementary schools to start up reading programs. For details, visit