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The News-Register and NewsRegister.com are owned and operated by News-Register Publishing Co., P.O. Box 727, McMinnville, OR 97128.
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I am fearful of a dictatorship too. I'm too painful and old to march or rally with everybody but my heart is with you!
Judy ~ I share your concern. Everyone has a part to play, coming here and posting support is your contribution and your voice has value. You will be with everyone in spirit at the rallies. Thanks!
Love this. My friends and I will be there next week. Thank you for starting this!
Sheila B
The next "Wednesday Protest" will be on McDaniels Street - on the side of the strip mall. 4:30-5:30.
Here's an idea: what would happen if there was no withholding from our paychecks? Would the country's budget take a dive? Would that catapult Reps into voting against Mump's policies?
My partner and I think that if everyone were to stop withholding from paychecks and put the money in an account and pay quarterly, then it would be a message, one that hits the hearts of both Mump--money troubles.
I too have wondered what would happen if taxpayers decided sending our money to fund a cruel autocratic government that no longer represents or protects the citizens is the best approach? (After all, we did go to war war to prevent taxation without representation.)
tree farmer; What an un-American thing to say. You do realize you are represented, don't you?
Actually, “B,” I am NOT being represented. And the one-man-rule that is our reality now definitely does not look “American” to me. The Constitution provides for three separate and equal branches of government. It created checks and balances to prevent one-man-rule. It granted assurances that laws will be faithfully executed. Those ideals were abandoned with the last election. I am aware that some folks are happy with this new regime. However, many of us find it antithetical to the democratic republic we have always supported with our hearts and checkbooks. But please - feel free to continue judging me for what I wonder about, or what I say. (It is being eroded by the day, but at this moment we still have the right to free speech.)
This is how we do it! No kings....No Oligarchs