By Nicole Montesano • Staff Writer • 

Lafayette sewage plant overflows

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David S. Wall

The "spill" of raw sewage into the receiving waters is unacceptable.

Depending on the volume of the spill of raw sewage and the volume and flow rates of rain water intrusion there is always some measure of environmental damage; such as the reduction of dissolved oxygen in the receiving waters affecting aquatic life.

Lafayette and other jurisdiction's Public Works Departments within Yamhill County had better "wake-up" and analyze their respective sewage treatment plants and storm water management infrastructure.

Economic Development will come to a screeching halt if Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW) and Storm Water infrastructure and treatment are not modernized and properly maintained.

Cease all residential development until POTWs can accept the wastewater flows and storm water is diverted, treated and directly discharged into the receiving waters.

All "sewage spills" can be eliminated through sound management of public resources.

David S. Wall

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