By Starla Pointer • Staff Writer • 

La Rambla requires vaccine proof

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Erin C.

Thank you La Rambala! I'll see you soon.


Love you more and now forgiven for closing Gem! This needed to happen and let the dominoes keep falling!


GREAT!! Thank you for thinking about your customers and employees!


Lot's of folks already had covid like i did in Jan 2020 and therefore do not need a vax. I guess I won't have to worry about trying this Place.


Peacock: Quick Google search shows this:
"Health experts warn recovering from COVID-19 is not enough to protect from reinfection. While the antibodies from natural infection do provide some protections, the data shows that the vaccines are much better at protecting you."
and this:
"People who've had COVID, twice as likely to get reinfected than those who get vaccinated, CDC says."

john fritter

Those of us that are vaccinated can still transmit COVID correct.....? I mean If we can still be infected vaccinated or not that tells me we can still transmit it also. It seems to me I am at no higher risk being around un vaccinated VS those that are?


I don't believe the CDC!


The risks of covid are two-fold: the risk to yourself becoming infected and the risk that you might infect someone else.
Someone accepting the risk that he or she might contract covid and potentially die is something I can understand as a personal right, although I would hope that such a person would not take up a valuable ICU bed in the process of committing covid suicide.
However, it is morally indefensible for anyone to knowingly be a vector to spread the disease and potentially kill someone else. Thus, the imperative for all at this time, vaccinated or not, to wear masks, since all can be asymptomatic carriers of covid in their nasal and throat passages. Those unwilling to protect others, most especially children and the immunocompromised, by wearing a mask are to be shunned.


Let's work this back to the sources. You don't have to believe the CDC.
But the CDC collects covid infection and vaccination rates from hospitals and health departments. Hospitals and health departments get those rates from doctors and pathology labs. They get the numbers from the people they examine. In other words, you would have not believe the people who seek out medical treatment when they say they don't feel well.
You would have to not believe the doctors and labs. You would have to not believe the hospitals and labs that report to state health agencies. And you would have to not believe the simple adding up of those data by the CDC. After that it is merely simple math to determine that those who have had covid are twice a likely to be re-infected as those who have been vaccinated.
But to not believe the CDC you have to dismiss the entire medical establishment in the country and the all the covid patients served by it.
What fantasy world are you living in? More than 625,000 covid deaths and 37.5 million infections to date just in the U.S. should give you pause.

Longmire fan

Is it Stoler or Stoller?


I expect Starlla Pointer will fix that.


I expect Starlla Pointer will fix that.


I just don't understand! Getting the vaccination does not keep you from getting the virus. It is suppose to help your body fight the virus and if you get Covid, hopefully your symptoms are mild or even asymptomatic. It will not keep me from spreading the virus. I am vaccinated but if the experts or the vaccinated people that came down with covid anyway are to be believed....I can still infect others. So requiring me to have proof that I have been vaccinated should be my choice and my business. I am not saving lives just because I chose to get vaccinated. I chose to lessen my symptoms in case I am exposed. To say, "I am vaccinated, and people that are around me, have less to worry about because of that, is giving them a false sense of security. The shot helps those that get the vaccination... We hope! Again, I chose to be vaccinated and it should be a choice. Remember the people that died from the vaccines and how no compensation is offered for that. Don't force it on people.


Thank you, Kathy. For those of you who don't choose to be vaccinated, that's your choice. If you've had covid, you are not protected because you now have antibodies in your system. This virus is mutating and will continue to do so until everyone is vaccinated. Don't believe the CDC, Dr. Fauci, or anyone else? Just go hang out at an ICU near you. Or you can do the smart thing and get vaccinated.

Reporter Starla Pointer

lONGMIRE, RUSS, I thought her name had two L's, but it should be just one. My mistake! Thanks for pointing out the correct spelling. -- Starla Pointer, News-Register.


The mental heuristic employed by La Rambla and others is incorrect. It is binary, treating Covid more like Smallpox, regarding whether one is vaccinated or not. As can be seen (Texas Democrats going to DC, Governor Abbott, Massachusetts outbreak, vaccinated NFL players currently sitting out preseason games after testing positive) the vaccinated can carry Covid.

I'm vaccinated, but I based my decision on the protection they offer against severe disease, hospitalization, or death, not under a belief that they would prevent me from getting infected. This virus is a respiratory virus that's been detected in ample animal reservoirs (pets, deer, etc...) and appears to be able to spread asymptomatically. Assuming it is like most others, it will mutate and re-emerge over time as it appears to be doing (e.g. Delta/Lambda variants).

I believe the more correct mental model, as far as spreading it, would be like the common cold/flu. We've unfortunately never been able to eradicate those viruses 100% through vaccination. I hope I'm wrong - it sure would have been nice to be two-and-done this spring but that doesn't appear to be the case from the data we're seeing.


Good for you Kathy! Standing up and trying to protect your business and employees makes complete sense. Hopefully others follow suit.


Thank you Robs. Yes the correct approaches, which as worked with other virus is to vaccinate as many as possible to strengthen everyone, and while the virus is in the early attack and mutating stage like Covid is to wear mask to reduce the virus's ability to be airborn and infect others. This virus is with us like the Flu, and like the Flu it will get some of us every year. Unfortunately, as long as the virus has access around the world it can continue to mutate in its search to defeat us.


Vaccines significantly reduce the risk of becoming infected for the person who is vaccinated:

So fewer infected people result in fewer sources of transmission within the community.

Once a person who is either vaccinated or previously infected and recovered, becomes infected their adaptive immune system clears the virus from their body much more quickly resulting in less severe disease and a much shorter period during which that person may spread the infection to others in their family, their church, their workplace, and their community:

Thus, a vaccinated individual in our community is between 76% and 96% less likely to infect another person when compared to any non-vaccinated person.

Medically, scientifically, mathematically, and ethically Ms.Stoler is doing the right t hing for her staff and her customers. You should all do likewise. Please have every eligible member of your family vaccinated immediately. For your family and for your community.



That may have been the case against the Alpha variant, but with Delta and so-on we need more studies to make that determination. The second article you cite is from May 11 (pre-Delta dominance) and the excerpt below is from the first article. I just don't think post-mutation the binary model necessarily works anymore. Delta and Lambda (Latin America) are likely coming up in large numbers on the southern border and then into the country. 1500 cases in one Texas town in one week alone (see link). The number of people coming across the entire border is huge (over 200K per in July encountered - unknown number not) and none are vaccinated and many infected. I did hear encouraging news on a podcast that some boosters may target delta - a benefit of mRNA tech is the ability to rapidly design against specific infection. Though we need to restrain our excitement a little because as of yet the technology is only experimentally approved.

The study shows that vaccinated people who become infected with the Delta variant carry high peak levels of virus. When the Alpha variant was dominant in the United Kingdom, vaccinated people who became infected had much lower peak viral loads.

The implications of this aren’t clear, Walker says. “Most of our tests are monthly; we can’t really say very much at all about how long people are infectious for and particularly whether that’s different with Delta,” she says. “Anyone who thinks that if they get infected having been vaccinated, they can’t transmit — that isn’t likely to be true.”


Papers, please!


Where have I seen signs before, segregating people...........hmmm, OH yeah, I remember now...............


Oh, geez. Give me a break. Unvaccinated people are not a protected class like race, gender or national origin. People need papers to drive, licenses to practice law or medicine and many other occupations. This is a private business and it needs a license and health inspections. Thank goodness.
We don't need any more Mary Mallons walking among us.


Sounds like i won't be back.



If vaccinated individuals like myself can spread the new variants of the virus, and we know they can, then the analogy that the unvaccinated are Typhoid Mary's is incorrect. I don't know if you're an NFL fan but Covid is causing a lot of vaccinated players to sit out preseason games. Below is a recent Tweet from a lineman from the Cardinals (my favorite team).

@JustinPugh Aug 19
Hey @NFL we need daily testing for vaccinated and non vaccinated players. I was vaccinated and still got covid. As of now vaccinated players test every 14 days. That’s not enough! Who knows how long I walked around the building with it or whoever I got it from! Fix this ASAP

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