By Nicole Montesano • Staff Writer • 

Further gate debate, no resolution

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Come on Kasey Kulla, this is your chance....lets get that gate open!


I have to disagree with you Joel. My house is at the gate, and I believe having it locked has allowed for many to enjoy traveling on it by foot, bicycle, and horseback. We really don't need 20 something males driving their vehicles up there at a high rate of speed potentially running someone over, next there are many Weyerhauser roads that lead from High Heaven and kids being kids would explore those areas and possibly be cited for trespass. For those who have lived in the area for awhile this area was also used for the Friday/Saturday high school parties.I have appreciated that there is less garbage dumped up here. Mrs. Bryant has a point but she should have brought it up many years ago when it was discussed, I don't recall ever seeing her come up here either. I would like to say to Rick Olson that it is not a good idea to give the road to Weyerhauser, that would truly lock those who live up here out and we as a community would lose recreational access to other local properties more friendly to recreational users.

Milton Bates


I'm curious why a county road would be locked and only access to certain neighbors or those who's property would meet to that county road. We all pay for the county roads that live here. Weyerhauser does not own or maintain that road. Our County and as tax payers of this county we do. Yes I agree with Milton Bates that some ruin this with garbage dumping and parties but gating all county roads to stop this is an option? If this road is to remain gated then all county roads should be. Should not be select few roads for just a selected few to access when we all pay for these roads.
I agree with Joel. Weyerhauser is not an option just as the surrounding owners near the road should hold any sole key. Open the gate and let the Sheriff's office handle issues if they arise like the rest of the county roads we pay for.


Why not give Mary Bryant a key and just solve the issue that way.

Steve Pearson

This does seem like a good problem for Casey Kulla to solve. Up to me, I’d probably just hang the key from the gate. Doubtful anyone racing through the countryside would take the time to stop and unlock. All other problems I’ve heard would be solved.
However, the skill set Casey campaigned on would seem ideal for figuring out this issue. (I’m not being sarcastic; we voted for him).


Access is denied to vehicles. Nothing prevents Ms. Bryant or anyone else for that matter from simply walking around the gate. It is very expensive to maintain roads...there if fire danger in the summer....and it sounds like the remote forested area could provide cover for hooligans and their shenanigans.

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