By Nicole Montesano • Staff Writer • 

Commissioners approve extended license agreement for Riverbend

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A 20 year contract for a company that is taking no waste from county residents? Really?....waste management found a couple suckers on the commission.... unbelievably bad deal for the county...
Look for campaign contributions coming soon....


**15 years**


By the way Ms Berschauer.... accommodating Waste Mgt with “predictability” is not your job.... you represent the interest of Yamhill county taxpayers....


I’m simply speechless.


The article states the following "Lang said that “Riverbend is not closed. Riverbend continues to operate. ”However, Riverbend Landfill will not be accepting any waste or recycling from county residents."
So how is this beneficial to the county residents? Higher garbage fees needing to be paid in order for the garbage to be hauled to out of county dumpings site, is not for the county tax payer benefit.
Makes you wonder who is paying who to work for them.
My word I can not wait until these two are voted out!!!!


Correct me if I am wrong but wasn't Riverbend supposed to be for locals garbage only and not for Portland and everyone else's? Why don't they close off to them and leave this for the locals? We are the ones who have to deal with this mess, not Portland and the others.

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