By Tom Henderson • Staff Writer • 

City buys property for affordable housing

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David S. Wall

"After county authorities foreclosed on the house at 813 S.E. Ford St., city planners recommended the city buy it using $15,000 from the local Affordable Housing Fund.

Richards said she imagines any affordable housing project at the site to be temporary, as the house would likely be sold again.

“It eventually becomes market-rate housing again in our community,” she said. “Right now, it’s not housing anybody.”"

Exactly who are the County Authorities?

Was this foreclosed property "Put-Up for Public Bid?"

Note... "“It eventually becomes market-rate housing again in our community,” she said."

This is a "Housing scam" was instituted by the Board of Commissioners.

This conduct confers a "private benefit" as opposed to a "Public Benefit" on the lucky, receiving "Non-profit and or Public Benefit Corporation-who then "can flip the property at market rate."

Pretty snazzy real estate deal if you are in good with the County and or the City of McMinnville.

What happens to adjoining property values? Who pays for the loss?

The "Tax Foreclosed Properties" should be "Put-up for Public Bid."

David S. Wall


Mr. Wall: Once again, your disdain for everything shines through.


I think David Wall makes valid points worthy of answers. But here's another idea to appease the almighty state's demand for adequate space for the thousands eager to live in McMinnville, with its gridlock and planners and advisers and fond recollections about the days of yore: in twenty or thirty years, many of the present "stakeholders" will have moved on to a location where no urban growth regulations exist. Buy up their houses on the cheap, then flip them for enormous profits. Who doesn't win?


Great input. Appreciate the information.

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