By Tom Henderson • Staff Writer • 

Anonymous robocall targets incumbent

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E.J. Farrar

These kinds of tactics often backfire. I hope that's the case here.


Those sound like reasonable critiques of Mr Peralta. Why does Mr Henderson label them as "attacks?"


I'm also surprised to hear that Mr Peralta is doubling down on the misleading use of "Re-elect" on his signs. He should have listened to the secretary of state, because it is misleading. Re-elect literally means to "elect someone again." Pretty hard to elect him again when he has never been elected before (well I guess he has been elected before...that is if you strain and twist and contort and parse what the meaning of the word "is" Trafik did earlier in the week.)


Reasonable critiques, Joel?

The robocall states Mac firefighters did not endorse Peralta. They, in fact, did endorse him. Flat-out lie, nothing reasonable about it.

Peralta’s opposition states Sen. Kim Thatcher (R) did not endorse Peralta. She, in fact, did endorse him. Flat-out lie, nothing reasonable about it.

The call references a politically motivated complaint filed against the IPO years ago. The complaint was dismissed because the secretary of state found no wrongdoing. Personally, I think that’s a dirty trick but you may find it perfectly reasonable.

The robocall accuses Peralta of deception for using the term “re-elect” on his campaign signs. I maintain Peralta’s appointment was a proxy election by the elected council but this perspective is apparently difficult to grasp. There are few ways to promote an incumbency without using the term “re-elect” but I’ll grant that this hair-splitting objection might look valid to an opponent with no substantive foundation on which to campaign.

Please don’t ever run for office locally, Joel. Your brand of “reasonable” just makes me feel dirty.


Dang, Trafik. I didn't mean to offend you. I have to confess that I didn't read all the way to the end of the article so I missed the Kim Thatcher part. But you and I just will probably never agree on the "re-elect" thing. And that's okay. I still respect you and can agree to disagree.
As for the fire fighter thing, I thought this article said that the recorded call (robocall sounds too pejorative) said that the "rank and file on the street" firefighters don't support him. It sounds like someone in the union leadership supports him but that's no surprise. My dad was a union man and they LOVE the left side of politics.


I usually like you, Joel, so I typically save my insults for others.

A union endorsement counts as a rank-and-file endorsement although I’m pretty sure no union has ever been 100 percent behind a single candidate — well, maybe excepting the OEA and Kate Brown (just kidding).

The union vote aside, look at the Republicans supporting Sal: Sen. Kim Thatcher (R-13) is a conservative icon in this state and an endorsement from her is nothing to take lightly. Rep. Ron Noble (R-24) and Sen. Brian Boquist (R-12) endorsed Sal. And even more! These endorsements should speak loudly to Sal’s commitment and ability.

Sal Peralta is a centrist, regardless of how his opposition is trying to paint him. Yes, maybe he could’ve found a way to promote his incumbency without using the word “re-elect” on his signs but inflating this issue smacks of desperation.


Thanks Trafik. My ballot and the voter pamphlet are still sitting on the kitchen counter unopened. I need to sit down and dig in and learn more about these two guys and every one else. Thanks for pointing out that Thatcher, Noble and Boquist all support Sal. That's pretty impressive. I have much respect for all three and their endorsement does say a lot.
I have seen Sal run before and have even read some of his posts here in the comments. He has always seemed like a good guy with a level head. Hopefully my focus on the re-elect thing hasn't come across as too negative. But it does irk me!


I blame the Russians.


Joel, Trafik,
I wished members of congress and senate and all other people could learn from your exchange. This would make the country better again in these days.


Trafik--Keep up the excellent investigative work. You are needed.


I log on to agree with GRM. A civilized discussion focused on logic and refreshing! We sure could use more of that as we roll into the most significant election since the founding of our country. (How can our Constitution stand with no checks on such absolute power?) If there is a glimmer of hope, it will be based upon us – fellow citizens – being able and inclined to work together for the common good.

“Rotwang” blames the Russians, sadly there is much truth to that (tongue in cheek?) assertion. Putin put his forces to work to install the current resident in the White House, but he also perpetrated a sophisticated campaign with millions and millions of social media messages designed to inflame and turn us against each other. That effective messaging has infected our discourse at every level. The rhetoric has now progressed to bombs and white powder. We desperately need to recognize and resist the attempts to poison our relationships and destroy our unity.

Re Sal Peralta, I have had some contact with him in the past and have found him to be honest, upfront, and highly capable. He is not on my ballot but I hope those of you who have the option will support him.

Yamhill Truth Serum

There seems to be nothing Sal won't be dishonest about even easily disprove able things like his assertion he and Fennern had been political rivals since the 2010 Stern/ Starrett campaigns. Starrett had a female campaign manager in 2010 and Fennern was not in the state much less the area. I understand why the New Register didn't do their due diligence is because Peralta is their employee and they are doing clean up and carrying water for him.
The endorsements should be a real ethical concern for people voting because Sal used his position in the OID to offer reciprocal endorsements for those stated Republicans. The "Independent Party" endorsed each one of them.
Vote anyone but Peralta ...


It seems, Yamhill Truth Serum, you’ve overdone your serum and are exhibiting signs of delusion.

Clearly, you don’t know Sal Peralta very well. Sal is an honorable man who has a heart for service — I can say with certainty Sal serves not for himself but out of a deep concern for his community. Sal has demonstrated his ability to tackle the duties of a city councilor, proving especially adept at navigating the minutiae others might prefer to avoid. Further, it’s not exactly a secret that Ron Fennern dislikes Sal. If Sal misstated campaign dates, I’m pretty sure it wasn’t a calculated effort to fool you — probably just an honest mistake. Regardless, Sal’s point remains unaffected.

While it’s certainly dramatic to imagine a conspiracy of elected officials secretly agreeing to endorse each other, I believe Sal has worked with most of these people for over a decade — they share common ground and respect each other’s efforts on behalf of the people. Having worked in the Oregon legislature myself, I know firsthand that cross-aisle relationships are cultivated and friendships are valued — that’s how the business of the people is accomplished. Too often, political bickering and nastiness are highlighted but cooperation and multipartisanship are ignored. Painting respectful multipartisan relationships as some sort of back-alley collusion is dishonest and, frankly, paranoid.

Still, it makes for good sound bites and gives conspiracy theorists material to run with.


Sal won't be on my ballot either, but I admire him for coming on this forum to provide much needed input from time-to-time. He responded directly to me regarding the smoking ban in downtown McMinnville when I was miffed and being rather harsh with my words. Taking the time to visit this online version of the local paper and engaging with constituents says a lot about the person running. I'm sure there are many other things he could be doing with his time, but he chooses to serve with commitment.


Mudstump – I appreciate and agree with your observations about Mr. Peralta. I wonder if the electorate can even tell the difference anymore between the person who sincerely wants to serve the people and the one who only cares about the power and prestige of the office……and how well it will line his/her pockets, of course.


This robocall is ridiculous. I disagree with Sal on a number of larger issues, but he is a genuinely caring and conscientious representative for this city. He is thoughtful, responsive and does his homework. He won't be on my ballot, either, but I support his candidacy and would vote for him in a heartbeat.


The fact there was a robocall suggests to me the Sal opponents are worried. And half-witted.

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