Driver unhurt after tree crushes car

“The tree fell right across her car,” McMinnville Fire District Chief Reed Godfrey told the News-Register.
The woman was temporarily trapped inside while responders from the MFD and McMinnville Water & Light ensured electricity was shut off to surrounding power lines. The woman was then helped out of the car without incident or need for extrication equipment, according to MFD Assistant Chief Scott Law.
“They remained in the Subaru and waited until we received confirmation from McMinnville Water & Light the power line that was tangled up in the tree was not energized,” Law told the News-Register. “One of our medics walked up to the car, opened the door and they walked out. We did break a few branches by hand, but nothing more.”
Law said the woman was fortunate to avoid injuries and did the right thing by remaining in her car.
“Had the powerline been energized and she tried to get out of the car herself, this could have been a tragic incident,” he said.
Godfrey said with incidents involving possible live wires it is always best to wait for utility workers before proceeding but that is sometimes not an option. Responders first determine the condition of the occupant and whether it is a life-or-death situation.
“We risk a lot to save a lot, we risk nothing to save nothing,” he said.
If it is considered a life-threatening situation, there are emergency procedures that can be implemented to remove the victim immediately, such as instructing them to get into a specific position and jump free of the car to avoid possible electrocution, Godfrey said.
McMinnville police and public works also assisted with the incident, according to Godfrey.