Letters to the Editor: July 28, 2023
Beware yellow tide
Bright yellow blooms of Tansy Ragwort are popping up along fence rows, roadside ditches and people’s yards.
Most people don’t realize that it’s an invasive weed that is toxic to cattle, horses, pets and people. And each flower produces hundreds of seeds capable of spreading on the wind for miles.
With each person helping out, it can take very little time and effort in your backyard to make a big difference in our community. Here’s what to do:
Cut off the tansy flowers and put them in a closed trash container. Pull the plant up by the roots, as it can bloom back until the first frost, and will regenerate itself next year if not pulled.
Let your friends and neighbors know about the problem and encourage them to take action with any plants they may have in their yards.
Thanks for pitching in to make a difference for livestock, pets and people!
Nancy Thornton
Leave it alone
Regarding the historic home renovation:
It was noted in a recent letter that an exterior staircase has been added at this house.
But it is in back, thus not visible from the street. I had to really look for it!
I recommend the new owners be allowed to keep the stairs.
I am the owner of a 1860s house myself. I feel an addition not visible from the street should be allowed to stay.
Marietta Rankin
I want to thank Paul Angerano for his up-front description of former president Donald Trump.
A friend of mine who joined the Navy was going to be a radioman, requiring a top-secret clearance. The Navy sent officers to his friends’ houses, including my house, where they asked questions about his character.
I joined the Navy in 1967 to avoid going to Vietnam. I ended up on the flight decks of two aircraft carriers for 22 months, which was no picnic.
One of the things we did was load nuclear bombs. It took four to five hours to load one bomb on a jet because of the care and diligence, as no one wanted to be part of a nuclear accident.
Top secret stuff isn’t a show and tell game for your friends to enjoy.
Paul Angerano points out that this former president has no respect for people who work in a dangerous environment. Well, that’s for sure.
I would like to offer the late Sen John McCain as the poster child for that thought.
McCain spent 5 ½ years under extreme torture in the Hanoi Hilton prison during the Vietnam War. But for this former president, McCain was a loser, not a hero.
One would think this former president was “in country” during that war, fighting on the front line — and highly decorated to boot. Hardly the case for a guy who had multiple deferments for alleged bone spurs — the same spurs he plays tennis and golf on today.
The lack of respect this former president has for common folk, and for men like John McCain, makes me wonder how any veteran could respect him, much less vote for him.
Mike Sullivan
Missed opportunity
At last count, 13 GOP candidates have entered the presidential race. This in spite of the fact ex-president Trump has a commanding lead in the polls.
I’m surprised his decision didn’t more effectively limit the field. President Biden’s decision effectively removed all reasonable competition on the Democratic side, leaving only marginal fringe candidates Robert Kennedy Jr. and Marianne Williamson.
Democrats don’t seem to know when it’s time to step aside. For example, take:
* Dianne Feinstein, a 90-year-old California senator, who was diagnosed with shingles in February, resulting in hospitalization. She didn’t return for more than three months, missing more than 50 votes.
Her absence stalled many of Biden’s judicial and executive nominations. And concerns regarding her ability to serve continue.
* Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who joined the Supreme Court on Aug. 10, 1993. She contracted colon cancer in 1999 and pancreatic cancer in 2009.
Many encouraged her to retire and let President Obama name her replacement. She didn’t, and when she finally succumbed to recurrent pancreatic cancer, Trump was able to replace her with a conservative.
In my opinion, Biden is making the same mistake.
There is a widespread belief that he is too old, dimming enthusiasm and limiting opportunity to vet other possible candidates.
We Democrats often lament lack of obvious candidates, yet are consciously allowing an eight-year period to pass wherein we cannot evaluate individuals for future leadership.
Vetting for the presidency is much more complicated than simply checking background, qualifications and personality. It requires rigorous evaluation of their policy positions.
I believe Biden has been an effective president, and he has my vote for re-election. But I wish I had other choices, beyond Kennedy and Williamson.
Who will be ready in 2028? This has been a missed opportunity.
Les Howsden