Douglas James Rasmussen 1943 - 2023

Douglas James Rasmussen, son of Holger and Dorothy Rasmussen, died February 1, 2023, in Corvallis, Oregon. Doug attended St. James Elementary, McMinnvillle High School, Linfield College, Oregon State University and the University of Oregon. Doug earned two master’s degrees and taught math and physics for 37 years. He taught at Chemeketa Community College for 25 years before retiring in 2015, after suffering a stroke. He wrote many textbooks, ranging from "Introduction to Algebra" to "Applications of Laplace Transforms," and always gave free or electronic copies to his students.
He and his wife, Janet, converted his family farm on Riverside Drive to a natural wetland and built a very isolated cabin on her family's timberland in the Blue Mountains of Baker County. His ashes will be buried in the mountain soil near the cabin they built.