Legion Auxiliary planning yard sale
The American Legion Auxiliary will host a fundraising yard sale Friday and Saturday, Aug. 5 and 6, at the Legion hall, 126 N.E. Atlantic St., McMinnville. Hours will be 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day.
Proceeds will go toward the organizations to help veterans and the community. For instance, Auxiliary members make lap robes and distribute small gifts to veterans in care homes, and they give scholarships to graduating high school seniors.
“We want to honor veterans’ service to the country and let them know, whether they are retired or still active, that their service means a lot,” said Dianne Heaton, one of the sale organizers. “Without them, we wouldn’t have a country.”
Heaton said the Auxiliary usually raises about $3,500 from its annual yard sale.
Donations to the sale may be brought to the Legion Hall on weekend mornings, July 23-24, or 30-31. They must be given to a volunteer, Heaton said.
For more information, call the Legion, at 503-435-2218.