Letters to the Editor: January 21, 2022
Sunday sandwiches
Maybe you didn’t know that your hungry neighbors have been getting brown bag lunches every Sunday since June because of a small group of dedicated individuals, lots of donations, the cooperation of WinCo’s deli to keep it plastic-free, one extremely generous cookie baker, and free coffee from Flag and Wire this winter. Now you do!
When no food was available on Sundays, the Unitarian-Universalist Fellowship of McMinnville was asked to take on the project. The rest is history.
Some 45 to 60 sandwiches, accompanied by fruit and cookies, are bagged up and distributed at the McMinnville City Library from 1 to 3 p.m. every Sunday. Volunteers also deliver lunches to various hangouts for those who have no transportation.
Nearly 40 folks have helped out these many months in all kinds of weather, and they deserve a big thank you. But the need for volunteers and contributions continues as we commit to continue serving those in need on Sundays.
Here’s one example of someone moved to help:
I was in line at WinCo one Sunday morning, picking up the sandwiches and fruit, and started chatting with a woman in front of me.
When she found out what the food was for, she handed me a twenty to help with the cost. She said, “If I can buy this root beer, I can help feed the hungry!”
Thank you, anonymous donor! That was a sweet thing to do!
If you want to help, or have any questions, contact Linda or Jeri at lindawerner10888@gmail.com or 503.207.5482. Checks may be made out and sent to UUFM, P.O. Box 163, McMinnville. Contributions can can also made through PayPal at www.macuuf.org.
Please designate any donation for Sunday sandwiches. May I thank YOU in advance?
Linda Werner
Berschauer big liability
I previously wrote asking Yamhill County Commissioner Lindsay Berschauer to resign due to her gross fiscal irresponsibility. She is costing Yamhill County millions in lost revenue through the deal reducing Riverbend’s rates $2 million over two years and having to pay back the state of Oregon over $1 million in grant money for discontinuing the Yamhelas Trail project. Meanwhile, she continues to stall distribution of more than $10 million in COVID relief, while accepting $12,500 for herself as a small business owner.
The fiscal irresponsibility alone is egregious enough. However, the issue I address today is her action regarding COVID and her insistence the Yamhill County Public Health website include information on unproven home treatments based on questionable data.
Since she took office, the pandemic hit and continues to rage. She has shown a blatant disregard for our county and state public health officials’ recommendations, procedures and information.
Commissioner Berschauer is not a doctor. However, she is in a public position and there are those who listen to her and are open to following her advice.
In a Jan. 11 news story, she is quoted as saying, “If you try to post any of this stuff on social media, you get blocked and banned for a week, so this is our (her and Commissioner Mary Starrett) way of communicating.” I have this response to her:
There’s a reason you’re being blocked and banned. The information you’re sharing is misleading and dangerous.
Using your public office as a bully pulpit to give misleading and inaccurate information on a virus that is wreaking havoc on our county and nation is beyond irresponsible. It is downright dangerous.
Commissioner Berschauer, you aren’t in any position to give medical advice. Please stop practicing medicine without a license.
I’ll ask again, please resign. Until then, I’ll keep collecting signatures for the recall.
Lu Ann Anderson
Thank you, Mac
The kindness and skilled assistance I have received from many sources here in McMinnville does not go unappreciated. It deserves public acknowledgment:
a) To officer Mattison of the McMinnville Police Department for his thorough investigation and much time spent on my behalf, in regard to an incident that happened last spring and is still ongoing.
b) To Renee of the Crime Victim Services unit in the District Attorney’s Office, who has given continued support and updating on the case against the perpetrator.
c) To the Physicians Medical Center for its prompt assistance and attention. It is continuing the legacy I have experienced over more than seven decades. Many of you will probably join me in remembering Drs. Shumway, Ross, Hoover and Schmitt, along with Dr. Huston, who delivered my son 54 years ago.
d) To the Les Schwab Tire Center for promptly coming to my rescue, quickly changing a flat tire on a dark and stormy afternoon, and generously trusting that I would return the next day to pay my bill.
McMinnville businesses and individuals continue to provide for our needs and come to our aid regularly. Let’s all remember to say thank you — and be aware of how truly blessed we are to live in McMinnville.
Ina Shenk
What recalls are for
Some have said the recall of members of the Newberg School Board is inappropriate, given that they were elected by a majority of the voters in a regular election.
It’s true they clearly won their elections. It does not follow, however, that a recall effort is therefore ill-advised.
Should an elected official be recalled for the flag they fly on Zoom, for the company they keep, or for the political views they hold? No.
Recalls should be reserved for serious offenses, where decisions are made with significant economic burden over time, where actions pose a risk to citizens, and most importantly, for actions that break the law. Whatever one’s political opinions may be, informed voters in the District know that allegations of these types of actions are at the heart of the recall election.
This country is founded with a Constitution that begins with “We the People...” The people elect our representatives, including school board members.
In 1902, Oregon instituted the initiative, referendum and referral process. In 1904, voters enacted the direct primary. Clearly, direct involvement by citizens in governance was intended by our forebears. Logically, then, recall of public officials was added to our Constitution in 1908.
Board member supporters need to focus on the issues for the recall and stop repeating the false truth that the recall is an act of nefarious political gamesmanship.
Answer the questions: Did the board draft a policy so poorly written that a rainbow is considered political speech? Did the board add long term expenses when hiring a second attorney and firing the superintendent? Did the board break open meeting laws and possibly others?
Voters need to consider these serious allegations of wrongdoing seriously. This is exactly what recall elections are for.
Jack Kriz
Bouquets and brickbats
Ah, so many things to comment on in last Friday’s paper! First, kudos to County Health and Human Services Director Lindsey Manfrin and her staff. Despite what must be incredibly difficult working conditions, they have done a marvelous job trying to keep us all well during the pandemic.
Communications between her office and the public have been clear, forthright and, in my view, convincing. We are lucky to have her. Contrast this good news with the vitriol spread by supporters of the two Newberg school board members facing attempted recall.
I was disheartened by the sloganeering, name-calling and emphasis placed on issues not actually at stake. What was needed was an honest debate about the real concerns of students, parents, teachers and those who run our schools.
I am no longer a registered Republican, in part because of the willingness of Republican legislators and party leaders to associate themselves with this sort of “guilt by association” mud-slinging. Finally, as a former government attorney, I find the question of Nick Kristof’s “residency” highly interesting. Will the courts allow him to run for governor based on his Yamhill farm?
I am more concerned, however, about another residency issue: In Oregon, candidates for Congress are not required to live in the district they seek to represent. I find this outrageous. At least two of the high-profile candidates for the Democratic nomination do not live in the new 6th Congressional District, which includes Yamhill County. They say they plan to move into the district if nominated.
This tempts me to re-register Republican, just so I can vote in the primary for a candidate who lived here and has served this community a long time.
Better yet, let’s have some home-grown Democrats step up! Interested, Nick?
Susan Watkins
Experts in nonsense
I have a modest proposal for the home cure of COVID-19. It’s a sure-fire way to prevent the progression of doom from infection to hospitalization to ventilator to coffin.
Tap a pencil three times on a desk, say five hail Buddhas, drink six eight-ounce glasses of water and take to bed. Get up in the morning, change your urine-soaked sheets and live happily ever after.
I am pleased to announce that my home remedy has been endorsed by the renowned scientist of nonsenseology, Dr. Nincompoop, known affectionately as The Poop.
Unfortunately, The Poop has not published a paper in a peer-reviewed medical journal. And sadly, his quackery has contributed to 15,000 deaths.
This has not deterred the Yamhill County Commissioners from holding him up as an authority on the treatment of COVID-19. But, alas, his ideas have not penetrated the federal echo chamber.
Censorship, I say. Censorship!
Robert Mason