Along the street: Diners replace cars on Third today
About two dozen restaurants will serve food at tables set up along the street tonight through Monday. More eateries are expected to join in on subsequent weekends.
Dine Out(side) will run every weekend through September. From July 4 to Labor Day Weekend, it will include Thursday evenings, as well.
This is the second year for Dine Out(side). Started to help restaurants serve customers when indoor dining was banned or severely limited because of the coronavirus pandemic, the program proved propular, according to Dave Rucklos, director of the McMinnville Downtown Association.
Winery weekend
Many area wineries and tasting rooms will host special events over the Memorial Day Weekend. A complete list of activities can be found on the Oregon Wine Press website,
‘Not on the market’
The Mack Theater and historic Yamhill Hotel are not on the market at the moment, according to Gary Kerwood, who has been one of the managers of the properties since 1999.
The buildings at Third and Evans streets are owned by Anderland LLC. The firm’s principal partner, Gary Anderson, died Sept. 25.
Kerwood announced the former movie theater and 134-year old hotel were for sale, along with the adjacent Macy Building, back in March. The asking price was $2.3 million for all three, with an April 15 deadline for offers.
Earlier this month, he changed the theater’s marquee, which had advertised the sale.
“The (for sale) sign is down and it’s not on the market at the moment,” he said Monday, after saying several previous times that he couldn’t comment.
He suggested checking back with him in August, when he might have more to say.
What if a prospective buyer had $2.3 million in cash?
“I would gladly add to our list of interested people,” Kerwood said, saying that he’s keeping the list “in case the property does come back on the market.”
Top ranking
The Atticus Hotel in McMinnville has been named the 21st highest-ranked hotel in the U.S., according to Travelers’ Choice 2021 Best of the Best.
“Atticus is the top hotel in town!” one reviewer wrote. Another said, “Elegant, beautiful, dog friendly.”
The Atticus, at Fourth and Ford streets, was opened in 2018 by partners Erin Stephenson and Brian Shea. Ben Perle is a partner and general manager of the hotel.
For more information, visit, or call 503-470-6837.
Chamber Greeters
The Oak and Union Block Coffee will be featured Friday, June 5, in the Chamber Greeters program.
Greeters will meet from 8 to 9 a.m. at the Oak, 326 N.E. Davis St. in downtown McMinnville. For more information, go to the Chamber website,
The Chehalem Valley Chamber of Commerce’s Greeters program Friday, June 4, will feature Portland Community College. The program will run from 8 to 9 a.m. via Zoom. For a link and other information, go to
What’s going up?
Here are some commercial building projects underway in McMinnville:
n Elena’s Wine Bar will open Thursday, June 4, in the remodeled front section of the RJ Photography building at Third and Ford streets. Work is winding up this week with installation of a new floor, wine taps for the kegged wines, a bar and area for seating indoors and out.
n Work continues on another wine bar and tasting room that are expected to open this summer. Troon will open a tasting room in the 600 block of Third Street, and Martin Woods Winery is remodeling the space at 711 N.E. Third St. for its new HiFi wine bar.
n A new commercial building is ready for occupancy at 2019 N.E. Highway 99W, McMinnville.
n McMinnville Eye Clinic’s new office structure is nearing completion on Cumulus Avenue across from the hospital and the clinic’s current location at 235 S.E. Norton Lane.
n Construction continues a new urgent care clinic at 1755 S.W. Baker St. in south McMinnville. EIG14T Development and National Urgent Care Development LLC, based in Michigan, are building the clinic.
n Flaneur Wines is continuing to remodel a building that will become its wine production facility next to its Carlton tasting room.
n Work continues on Dr. Melinda Judd’s new dental office at 1945 N.W. Second St., McMinnville. The 3,329-square-foot building will replace her current location, 355 S.E. Baker St.
n The new Granary Row, a collection of small eateries with a common food court, is nearly finished at 1039 N.E. Lafayette Avenue.
n Construction continues on new Dollar General stores in Amity and Lafayette.
n Casteel Custom Bottling will move around the corner from its current production facility on Northeast Rivergate next month and start filling wine bottles in a larger, 20,000-square-foot building that’s nearly completed, on Northeast Colvin Court, just west of Riverside Drive.
Chemeketa honors
Chemeketa Community College has earned top ranking for Best Online Hospitality Management Degree Programs by
The rating is based on an assessment of 1,280 accredited colleges and universities. Each program is evaluated on curriculum quality, graduation rate, reputation and post-graduate employment.
To access the complete ranking, visit:
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