Sheridan Fire District hosts two events
SHERIDAN - The Sheridan Fire District will hold an open house from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, April 29, and a town hall meeting at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 2. Both events will be held at the main station at 230 S.W. Mill St.
The open house will include fire truck rides, bounce house, youth fire prevention house, prizes and refreshments.
The Yamhill County Community Emergency Response Team, state Fire Marshall's Office and Yamhill County Sheriff's Office will be represented.
A town hall meeting will address Measure 36-186 that will be on the Tuesday, May 16 ballot. The district is asking patrons to renew current local option taxes - 35 cents per $1,000 of assessed value - to maintain current levels of basic operation and service. The five-year renewal would begin with the 2017-18 fiscal year.
The district board has determined older equipment, primarily engines that are 20 to 35 years old, must be replaced. A second ambulance chassis is 10 years old. The remounted box on the unit is 23 years old.
Twelve breathing apparatus have been pulled out of service this year because they do not meet current National Fire Protection Association standards and require replacement to meet the district's required inventory.
The main station is 35 years old and in need of maintenance, which is also necessary at the Ballston and Buell sub-stations. Reserve funds are insufficient to meet those needs.
If approved, the local option levy would generate $128,903 next year, $132,770 in 2018-19, $136,753 in 2019-20, $140,855 in 2020-21 and $145,080 in 2021-22, for a total of about $680,000.
For information, call the district at 503-843-2467.