No More Hair
Hair ! It is a love/hate relationship depending on age / gender / location / culture. Boys long to see a few mustache hairs appear as a rite of passage. And men that experience balding usually would prefer to have more head hair. But men often prefer not to have hairy backs, lower necks or mid-brows.
Women in America spend a lot of time eliminating hair from their face, legs, armpits and private areas. Shaving is often a daily ritual to avoid prickly stubble. Waxing lasts longer but is not permanent so can be costly in the long run.
Laser hair removal has provided a permanent solution for unwanted hair. There are variations in machine strengths. The “medical grade” type of laser is able to greatly reduce the hair population in any area in as few as four treatments and can work on less pigmented hair better than machines of less power. All lasers target pigment so they are unable to destroy white or blond hair.
Located at Women’s Health Care, Aviva Aesthetics has a medical grade laser available and packages designed to help you get ready for summertime. Call now to schedule a free consult appointment - and get started on your way to “hair-free” living! 971-261-6996 or 503-435-2020.
Paid Advertising Column By Kay E. Case, M.D.
Physician and Surgeon, Women's Health Care