By Paul Daquilante • Staff Writer • 

Willamina parents protest school mask mandate at board meeting

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Good for them for at least trying.


Most people would do everything in their power to protect their children....hard to understand anyone that won’t.....


Parents who say they are trying to protect their children’s mental health, obviously aren’t too concerned about their children’s physical health. When you ask them what they would suggest instead of masks, they have no answer…they want everything back to “normal” but they don’t want to do anything to help us all get there. This pandemic has brought out the worst in people.

Joel R

Tag, I think the parents have calculated the infinitesimally small chance of their child becoming seriously ill or dyeing from covid and compared it to the potential social and emotional consequences of wearing a mask all day for months on end and have concluded that they don't want the masks. I'm not sure I agree with them, but I complete respect their feelings and decision on the matter and admire their courage in speaking out in a place like Oregon where they are likely to be met with scorn for daring to think differently than the herd.


Social & Emotional consequences of wearing a mask? lost me there....:)


Wonder how many teachers will be gone to this mandate "K-12 school employees in Oregon must be fully vaccinated by the fall"
They will run into teacher shortages soon enough


It’s likely that a high percentage of teachers have already been vaccinated... not sure about Willamina, but the Portland schools have stated 98% of teachers had taken their shots...,so I don’t see major problems with people quitting because of the mandate.....


In refusing to have their kids wear masks they aren't making a decision about protecting their own kids, they are deciding to NOT protect everyone else's kids. They aren't making a decision for themselves they are making a decision for everyone.

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