By Paul Daquilante • Staff Writer • 

Sheriff's deputy charged with lewd acts

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What in the world would incline someone to do such a thing.What was he doing for the previous eight years.


Good job downplaying his actions and burying the grossness in legalese. You left out the part where he (allegedly) filmed the owner of that water bottle unknowingly drinking from it. Which kind of seems like assault to me. I know if I were the victim of that little "prank" I'd be checking with my attorney.


sounds like par for the course for YC Sherriff's office!! tax dollars hard at work!!


This is so sick! IMO, evil walked into the courthouse a little over twenty years ago. It has infected the entire organization ever since. Until the voters decide we've had enough corruption, dishonesty, malfeasance, and quid pro quo, this sort of thing will continue. We need to elect principled leadership that actually has values and truly cares about citizens. Except for Sheriff Elliott, the rest of the commissioners and county administration can go - now! Time to end this mess.

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