Rachel Thompson/News-Register##First-grader Elizabeth Serato Lara, holding a stuffed rabbit she received from Juliette’s House, thinks hard before selecting a backpack from the display at Beyond Backpacks Saturday. “Whether it’s princesses or Elsa or Minecraft,” or just a plain one, getting to choose means a lot to children, said Debbie Beam, a volunteer.

Rachel Thompson/News-Register##Tanner Pierce, left, and Chase Hansen, right, help the McMinnville Kiwanis Club distribute shoes at the Beyond Backpacks event Saturday. They are McMinnville HIgh School students; Tanner is a senior and Chase is a sophomore.

Rachel Thompson/News-Register##Hundreds of children, teens and families “shopped” for school supplies at the annual school supply giveaway. More than 900 students signed up, the most ever. Many also lined up to receive shoes from the McMinnville Kiwanis Club, which helped with the event at Buel Elementary School.
Photo Gallery: Backpacks and beyond
Hundreds turn out for Beyond Backpacks event Saturday.